[Cin] Valgrind and Core Dump

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 00:42:44 CET 2018

  I have .bcast5 is in

> /root/: Can I delete this .bcast5? How do I it?

To delete the root .bcast5 directory and its contents (assuming it is the
same in Arch which it should be). You always have to be *extremely cautious*
when doing this.  The "-ri" is recursive and it prompts you for each file
to reply with "y" or "n".  If you do minimum cinelerra work while logged in
as root, there should not be that many files.  If you are absolutely sure
you will never make a mistake (and who is?) you can use "-rf" instead which
forces the delete without prompting.

cd /root
rm -ri .bcast5

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