[Cin] AppImage

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 16:48:21 CEST 2019

Some commentary follows:

On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 7:55 AM Terje J Hanssen <terje at nordland-teknikk.no>

> I read first about LibreOffice as AppImage portable application Linux
> format. Yeas, we already happy to have Cinelerra-GG in many stable
> distributions native package formats, but just wonder if a Cinelerra
> AppImange portable format would be beneficial for portable and generic
> testing, use or demonstrations on other/generic (rolling) releases?
> This is a good idea for certain applications, probably smaller ones.
Cinelerra builds are currently being done with "xen" and is automatic
enough now that GG would not like to start something new BUT is not opposed
to another builder or developer who would like to implement this.  It would
be another good means of disbursement.  Below is something else another
developer could help with.

Previously another viable suggestion from Glen (email Aug. 27, 2018) is as

*Not sure if this has been posted or not previously but this looks pretty
interesting and several other Linux NLE's (Kdenlive, Openshot, Flowblade,
Pitivi, Shotcut) are now being distributed this way. It would appear
instead of packaging TARs, RPMs, DEBs and other individual distribution
formats a single self-contained 'flatpak' could be created of Cinelerra to
be installed across all Distros.. Since Cinelerra already has static builds
I would guess much of the foundation for a self-contained format like
flatpak would already be laid..?*

*https://flatpak.org/ <https://flatpak.org/>*
*https://flathub.org/home <https://flathub.org/home>*

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