[Cin] Build 27 April

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 17:39:38 CEST 2019


- I noticed that in Arch's PKGBUILD there is twice the "libva"
> dependency and "libva-vdpau-driver" is missing (NOTE: there is also
> "ctags" missing without which the installation fails).
GG has now fixed (but not checked in yet) the twice libva and the ctags
missing.  He actually got the source code for libva-vdpau-driver to
determine what it is and whether it is needed.  From that he is pretty sure
it is not needed for Cinelerra.  It seems to be needed by applications that
have vaapi implemented but do not have vdpau implemented so it bridged that.

> - For now TOP tells me percentages above 100% and the playback FPS are
> very low, see video:
The above does not make sense to us.  On the 25th you saw improvements in a
lower CPU %.  The only thing changed in the 27th checkin was addition of
requirements for libva and libvdpau in the builds and improvements for
Tracer.  gg/phyllis
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