[Cin] Slackware-14.2 x64 package wrongly packaged?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 00:36:23 CET 2019

We will have to work on figuring out what to do before the next builds.
GoodGuy has been building Cinelerra using an original 14.2 Slackware and
every time he has tried to upgrade, he gets errors that he does not know
how to fix.  So we have just been using that.  He will try to start from
scratch and see if we can move forward and avoid lib version mismatch. And
also, test the unpack unto itself.

User reported problem trying to launch Slackware package, provided at
> https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/tars/
> It seems package tries to unpack itself into /
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