[Cin] Ripple, Rolling, Slip tools in the new version

Pierre autourduglobe p.autourduglobe at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 01:34:16 CET 2019

I know we discussed this before, but right now in the little editing I'm 
doing, the inability of the new  Ripple tool to work as it should from 
the beginning (left side) of a timeline clip, creates a real problem for me.

I want to adjust a cut I already made earlier in the editing, I want to 
extend the end of the previous clip (no problem, it works...) and make 
the beginning of the next clip start earlier, without changing the 
end... Impossible!

The current Ripple does not allow me to do this, I would have to delete 
it and reinsert it again into its new dimension. There's a problem here....


On 19-02-02 06 h 06, Igor BEGHETTO wrote:
> 1) Ripple tool (more used).
> I can see, now, that Ripple tool is not a very ripple edit, for me.
> I know (knew at this point) that Ripple tool may made shorter or longera 
> clip. Now I can made shorter or longer a clip only on right side of that 
> clip.
> I added a screencast: https://streamable.com/1vs0f
> For me the right way is like before. I added a quickly scheme with four 
> cases, following your scheme.
> (See file "ripple-edit.txt" appended).

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