[Cin] Adding 'brightness/contrast' effect on track while playing can freeze Cin-GG?

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 10:06:22 CET 2019

В сообщении от Friday 15 February 2019 11:22:32 Andrea paz написал(а):
> No, I don't get crashes with standard CFLAGS. I put 6 plugins one after
> another, even heavy ones, without any problems.

well, in my case it was freeze - main Cinelerra window stopped responding, and 
cpu load failed down. After some unsuccessfull attempts at unfreezing it I just 
CTRL-C Cinelerra from  terminal ....

Strangely enough, I also was able to put many effects on same video track 
without freezing. But then may be my manipulations with output driver (X11-> 
Opengl -> X11 again) played some role?

In freezing case it was set to X11-direct. Project's colorspace - rgba-8.
Actually, just freezed it again by _deleting_ effect, after setting cpu to 
performance, and reconfiguring output driver for video back to X11. And  this 
time project colorspace was rgba-float. (just wanted to see if it will make any 

Apparently X11 output combined with high-speed CPU (and overlyoptimized 
Cinelerra?) can lead to freezes ... I'll recompile with std. CFLAGS and retest.

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