[Cin] Ungrouping of video and audio clips after some edits

Sam cinelerra at posteo.de
Wed Jan 2 21:57:10 CET 2019

Am 02.01.19 um 20:50 schrieb Xing Tu:
>> I think that you are omitting the fact that all track streams must be independent.  If they are always bound in the way you seem to describe, it would not be possible to create arbitrary alignments.  This is essential, since the result must support all possible media placements.
> I think Good Guy made that clear in a previous message and it makes
> sense. However, when the video "stream" is *grouped* with the audio
> "stream", the only thing that's possible is moving them around (or
> performing the operations available in the middle click menu). It's
> counter-intuitve that when trying to extend or shorten the length of
> the video stream, the corresponding audio stream remains unaffected
> (and vice-versa) despite being grouped.

I also know it from CC PP. There it also works the following way. 
Probably you mean that.


>> You can still get what you want by switching from Arrow mode (Drag and Drop) to Ibeam mode (Cut and Paste)...
> I can see how this would work, but it comes back to the original
> problem of having to perform multiple actions. In addition to what you
> said about having to keep in mind which tracks are (dis)armed, the
> user would also be required to count the number of frames they removed
> (or added when using the "drag all following edits" action) from the
> video stream and do the same for the audio stream. It's clear that
> this is inefficient.

Since I am used to it from PP as well, it would surely be a significant 
improvement. The Group feature is relatively fresh, as Cinelerra lagged 
behind the other NLE's as far as the timeline feature was concerned. GG 
did an excellent job and improved many things in the timeline. I don't 
know if he could add this feature.  In the long run I would welcome it 
and join this feature request because it is a very big relief. In PP it 
greatly facilitates the work.


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