[Cin] New monthly builds for Cin-GG are available

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 05:07:25 CET 2019

There are new monthly builds on the website - follow the links to download

We had some trouble with the newest additions of AV1 and WebP but were
finally able to work around them EXCEPT the older operating systems of
ubuntu14 (32 and 64 bit) and debian 8 do not have them included because of
too old cmake utilities.

------------------------------- Copy of Release Notes (on the webserver
too) -------------------------------
Cinelerra-GG (Version Infinity)  Release Notes for 02/01/2019-02/28/2019
for builds

1. *AV1 and WebP* decode and encode are now available in Cin-GG if using
the standard builds.  This
    involved adding these 2 thirdparty libraries: libwebp-1.0.2 and
libaom-v1.0.0 .  There are new
    ffmpeg opts files to allow users to render to these 2 formats:
webp.webp and av1.webm .  The webp
    format requires that users have libtool installed.  Ubuntu14 and Debian
8 do not have these included.
2. Many *thirdparty packages have been upgraded* to include the latest
versions for:
    x265 version 3.0, fftw-3.3.8, libogg-1.3.3, libvorbis-1.3.6,
openjpeg-2.3.0, opus-1.3, tiff-4.0.10, and
    libgif 5.1.6.  A new format choice of jp2 is available for openjpeg
3. *Gif native capability *has been completely upgraded to allow for
reading and writing the gif format
    in singles, sequences or lists.  As a side effect of this effort all of
the other sequences have had the
    letter “s” added at the end of the extension filename automatically
generated on a render.
4. Deleted code for native ogg/vorbis because too many errors/not working
and ffmpeg version better.
5. Because *this affects most everything*, be advised the the transport
queue and playback engine were
    reworked, initially for shuttle speed control, but then it was
determined that if a user keeps pressing
    keys really fast so that there are many queued up commands some may be
thrown away.  Although
    with much help from the users, it is possible that there may still be
issues with locks.
6. All of the O/S distros on the build machines here were updated in order
to add the libusb library as
    needed for USB Direct usage of the Shuttle.  If doing your own builds,
you will need to rerun
    bld_prepare.sh to get the included libusb requirements.  README.arch on
the server has this added.
7. Usability Improvements
    Two new shortcuts added to create identity keyframes for camera and
projector, Shift-F11/F12.
    Ripple method for drag handles has been reworked to be the old method;
Edge switched for new.
    DVB channel / tuner api has been upgraded / improved to replace
deprecated code.
    Load menu has had some informational fields added to make it more
understandable for new users.
    Added fps calculation when using Batch Render from the command line
with the render farm.
    There is a colored box representing the currently chosen auto on the
zoombar at the bottom of the
       main program window, as well as to the left of the message, of the
same color as the line to make it
       easy to see which line type is being manipulated.
    Transitions now can use frames/hhmmss:frm/hhmmss:xxx instead of just
seconds for the length.  In
       addition you can use the mouse wheel to change the length in real
    Changes to the *Shuttle code from testing and feedback of Pierre
includes *the following:
       Addition of ShuttlePRO to the PROv2 and Xpress has been added as
another device name.
       Composer/viewer fullscreen modes now work with the shuttles.
       The rules file is now available as it had been inadvertently left
out of last month’s builds.
       Instead of only 3 forward and reverse speeds, there are now 6 of
each and they can be defined in
         decimal numbers as well as integers up to and including 64x.
       S0 position on the wheel was not generating a signal so the S1 and
S-1 have to be used for Stop.
       The default shuttlerc file has been tuned by Pierre and Phyllis to
reflect the more useful settings.
       Shudmp file is included in Cin’s distribution for use in checking
your Shuttle hardware.
       Removed regex from usage with the shuttle as of little use for
       There is an alternative usb_direct usage instead of going through
the hid generic driver; this
           required new 99rules and shuttlerc files.  It is recommended for
usage to ensure K14/K15 work.
       Added Alt, Ctrl, and Shift with character options to allow for more
assignment key options.
8. Bugs/Issues Fixed
    Makefile clean tweak, ydiff ffmpeg tweak, delete old CHANGELOGS, fix
    Fix editpanel window lock issues.
    Use undo bracketing to avoid stop playback deadlocks.
    In Drag and Drop edit mode, a silent selection between 2 edits would
crash while dragging.
    The usual ongoing cleanup was done while modifying code.
    R-usage has been added to print out the CPU time used when Quit if
running from a terminal.
    Size of Font box in the Titler has been increased so no need to scroll
to see the full name.
    Fix single step jitter.
    A jpeg file of odd dimension instead of divisible by 2 was causing a
segv but fixed now.
    Added another booby trap to catch potential problems.
    Camera drag tweaks incorporated.
    Viewer selection criteria was incorrectly set so that frame forward was
going to the end instead.
    Sync parameter fix put in.
    Shortcuts.html updated for missing or new shortcuts.
    Ripple and Slip had some problems with “follow edits” and “keyframes
follow” but now fixed.
    At least 3 batch render boobies were caught and fixed as well as a C41
plugin booby + track resize.
    The Rotate plugin crash was fixed + some other rotate with 0 problem +
fixed for some translations.
    Build scripts now allow for any Python level rather than restricting to
    Another change for builds is to check for x86 or x64 before compiling
any assembly code.
    The fps for still images has been set to 10 fps.
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