[Cin] Fwd: New pkgs and tars for this month's release are ready

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Thu May 9 11:01:14 CEST 2019

Thanks Phyllis for your time and the steps for offline installation. It 
is a bit complicated for me and, mostly, I have to understand well 
before I do any command.
Every time I have to do an update I make a backup of the disk partition 
with "Clonezilla DVD" (that I use also for Windows system), so if 
something  goes wrong I can restore to the previous image partition. I 
guess, that You all, guru of the linux system, surely use a special 
linux command.

> Originally we had considered carrying the libva and libvdpau as 
> another thirdparty library, similar to libmpeg3 but it is too much and 
> very impractical.
I can understand.

> If absolutely necessary, because we want you to be able to continue to 
> work offline, is for GG to make a special build or provide some kind 
> of tar file for you to move over via USB and install that.
Thanks GG, but I don't want to waste your time. And every time a new 
month release come out I should "break the boxes" to you (I don't know 
if the texts between quotes may be translate from italian to 
english/american language). ;-)

I don't know if it is possible and I guess not, otherwise GG would have 
already implemented this, but would it be possible to use a special 
command to run cin, to make it work without the new library? Consider 
that I am speaking without knowing which library it used before.

Thank you very much for your time.

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