[Cin] Re3: Blu-ray encoding again

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 17:18:05 CET 2019

Andrew, just trying to keep up with you but not really able to.  Just some
feedback and a question.

With the fake-interlaced=1, a "real" interlace media file came out
progressive too, so besides your bluray.m2ts, gg created bluray_tff.m2ts
and bluray_bff.m2ts and made changes to bdcreate.C to pick that one based
on ILACE.  I have yet to have him look into the bdcreate.C changes you
tested but hopefully I can do so today will still testing more bluray media
on the TV.

BUT, BIG QUESTION here and I already re-read the x264 url on deprecation of
x264opts to be replaced by x264-params.  I can not get x264-params to work
with tff or bff added at the end of the statement.  I even tried tff=1 and
still does not work.  The only way I can get the interlace options to work
is with x264opts.  So the question I have for you is, in your bluray.m2ts,
can you verify that the vbv-maxrate=40000:vbv-bufsize=30000 actually take
effect? I notice that you have them commented in the main section and added
them to the end of the x264opts.  Thanks, Phyllis

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 12:57 AM Andrew Randrianasulu <
randrianasulu at gmail.com> wrote:

> No, apparently pulldown option requres more handling:
> from x264.h
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