[Cin] August new builds are available

Olivier Humbert trebmuh at tuxfamily.org
Mon Sep 2 19:03:09 CEST 2019

Le 2019-09-02 18:38, Phyllis Smith a écrit :
> Olivier,
> You are ahead of me as I am supposed to get this information on
> libdav1d compile relayed to builders and added to the manual
> somewhere.   I will do that next but the short answer is: you need
> nasm at least level 2.13 and you are at 2.11.  GG/Phyllis

Thanks for your quick answer Phyllis.

Looking at here https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=nasm and 
being building on Debian Stretch, I'm supposed to be with a 2.12 version 
of nasm. Still not enough. I'll try to backport 2.14 and will tell you 
how it goes.

Anyway, thanks for your (very!) quick answer. Much appreciated.

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