[Cin] Upd: SVG source files in themes

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 05:01:09 CEST 2020

Actually I used this command in svg source dir in theme:

gzip -9 -S z *.svg

(compresses and gives suffix z to any svg file in current dir)

and resulted files correctly show up in inkscape (0.92.4)

Now all themes weight 14891K on disk
and still editable without additional effort

----------  Пересланное сообщение  ----------

Тема: SVG source files in themes
Дата: Суббота 04 апреля 2020
Отправитель: Andrew Randrianasulu <randrianasulu at gmail.com>
Получатель:  "Cinelerra.GG" <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>

They not eat space if you install binary package, but I found out
you can easily compress them with gzip :}

So, whole themes subfolder will weight on disk (after git unpacked it)
16545K as opposed 67,968,745 bytes right now.

Not sure if space-saving for unpacked git tree actually worth 
additional effort to unpack them if anyone want to make changes

In theory there is supportfor SVG compression, but not sure if Inkscape 
and co actually support it well (never tried)?

 The SVG standard reserves the .svgz-extension for gzip-compressed SVG files, 
which can typically achieve about 20-50% of the original file size. 
When not actively editing them, saving SVG files as svgz makes sense: 
it saves disk space, the compression is lossless and it spares the time 
needed for on-the-fly compression when serving them over the web.

hm ....

This inspired by latest git commit, adding jpeg-compressed shapes :}

I also tried optipng on existing shapes, but result was slightly more than 1Mb of savings:

8412866 bytes optimized vs  9786K by default


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