[Cin] PulseAudio

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 16:45:08 CET 2020

If Pulse Audio is visible in Settings->Preferences, Playback A Audio
Driver, then it built it.
Unfortunately on some of the build systems, we did not have Pulse Audio
libraries/stuff installed so it did not get built and therefore the users
will not have it yet.  We will fix this before the next builds as we are
going to upgrade our build system O/S and will include the PulseAudio
libraries.  If you have this installed, the build will automatically
include PulseAudio and you do not have to change any scripts.

On Fedora, you have to have the following installed:

Sorry for the inconvenience, PulseAudio was kind of a late addition that
became necessary for Windows since we did not have Alsa on it and we did
not consider all of the repercussions.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 3:31 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> I do not understand if Pulse Audio works "out of ten box" or we have
> to build it with its flag.
> --
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