[Cin] Nested clip and proxy

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Sun Jan 19 15:21:04 CET 2020

Really, really, very well!
Thank you so much.

And I saw that the Layout on Preference-> Appearance  menu is changed. 
Good for me.


Il 18/01/2020 22.54, Phyllis Smith ha scritto:
> IgorB: I forgot to mention that the bug described below is also fixed 
> in the latest test builds.  The created nested clips will now  be 
> saved in $HOME/Videos but you can change that in 
> Settings->Preferences, Interface tab, "Nested Proxy Path".  The old 
> methodology of placing the nested files in the cinelerra directory 
> (folder) was an unintended accident and leads to it being easily 
> deleted every month when downloading a new build.  As expected, fixing 
> this bug means you should now be able to save a project while proxied!
>         Proxies are created in Cinelerra folder (where there is "cin"
>         file) 
>     This is a BUG ! (by Cinelerra folder, this means the Linux O/S
>     cinelerra directory where the binary file is).  It should be in
>     the same directory as the original media and not here because it
>     will not get easily deleted.
>         Before saving your project, pay attention to disable Proxy
>         feature.
>         You MUST SAVE your PROJECT with PROXY DISABLED otherwise you
>         lose the
>         link to the clips (more or less).
>     I just bet that this is related to the above BUG and I have
>     informed gg and when the bug is fixed will check to see if this
>     solves this problem also.  Losing link to the clips is only
>     referring to nested clips, not regular clips as far as I can tell.
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