[Cin] Slightly updated russian translation

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 13:41:53 CEST 2020

I asked my russian-speaking friend to check it, but this may take some time...
Please *do not merge*  this version yet - new bugs may surface as we try to look at messages

Attached modified .po file and compiled .mo file too.

I used few first steps from HOW-TO.TXT

1) cd <path>/cinelerra-x.x.x
2) run xgettext:  ./po/xlat.sh > po/cin.po

then I moved cin.po and ru.po 
from /dev/shm/tmp/cinelerra-goodguy-20200711/cinelerra-5.1/po
into my working directory /home/guest/Cin-translations

after this I used 

msgmerge --output-file=ru-3.po ru-2.po ru.po
msgmerge --output-file=ru-4.po ru-3.po cin.po

msgfmt -c -o ru.mo.new-4 ru-4.po

So many steps because I wanted to have backups in case I mismerge something ...
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