[Cin] Source=ProRes; render=low quality

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 20:09:11 CEST 2020

В сообщении от Wednesday 17 June 2020 17:17:22 Andrea paz написал(а):
> I found the problem.
> The project with QHD resolution (native) there are no problems in
> rendering the ProRes.
> The project in which I rersized the ProRes at FullHD has great quality decay.
> What's the best way to scale the resolution from 2560x1440 to
> 1920x1080 while preserving as much quality as possible?

From wiki ..
"ProRes supports different data rates and different resolutions. All ProRes422-variants use Chroma subsampling of 4:2:2 at 10 Bit Color depth."

and in Cinelerra there is prores and prores_ks (using 4444 profile).
So, _I think_ you better to choose rgb(a)-float colorspace for your project (watch out for serious slowdown)

and may be play with minification algorithm, in settings->preferences->playback A-> scaling equation 
(second part of it controls minification).

For example start of this old (11 years old!) Mozilla bug says:

"Modern browsers should use only Lanczos or at least Bicubic resizing method for scaling images....

Not Nearest Neighbour or Bilinear, which provide bad quality..."

so, my guess try bicubic OR Lanczos (of course, be prepared for additional slow-down)

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