[Cin] Big library upgrades checked in -- hoping someone can build as a check

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 23:19:35 CET 2020

Andrea, again thanks for the Rendering.tex update.  I checked in those +
Tips.tex + Plugins.tex from the other day.

Feedback on Cuda.  GG upgraded his cuda system today and the nvidia
1) The "cuda" pixel format does not work because Cinelerra is not that
sophisticated; i.e. when using "cuda" pixel format certain things have to
be set up and they are not.
2) I removed the 2 ffmpeg plugins, F_scale_cuda and F_yadif_cuda from the
manual and in the plugin.opts file.  GG tried them again and they do show
up as plugins when you enable cuda nvcc and enable nonfree.  So you can
drag them to the timeline but when you try to actually use them, it reports
an error of "not implemented".  In plugin.opts, hwupload_cuda and
thumbnail_cuda were already commented out as unusable.

I think that that was the last of the cuda unknown, but if not please let
me know as I want to keep the manual correct.

On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 2:49 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> Added the section on ffmpeg Private Options in the chapter on
> rendering. See if it's okay.
> --
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