[Cin] Updated filetiff patch

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 17:53:47 CET 2020

Updated a bit ....

https://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/5394197 - see for LZW patent, I tested rgba-float 
project rendering one frame into LZW-compressed tiff, and it worked, at least 
I can see image/alpha in GIMP (2.10.18).

I wonder how many tiff readers today ready to deal with lzma2 compressed tiffs?

I wonder if I should try to add png compression level to GUI :}

----------  Пересланное сообщение  ----------

Тема: filetiff patch
Дата: Воскресенье 15 марта 2020
Отправитель: Andrew Randrianasulu <randrianasulu at gmail.com>
Получатель:  "Cinelerra.GG" <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>

I tried few more compression schemas from libtiff 4.0.10 tiff.h:

#define TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION             259     /* data compression technique */
#define     COMPRESSION_NONE            1       /* dump mode */
#define     COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE        2       /* CCITT modified Huffman RLE */
#define     COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3       3       /* CCITT Group 3 fax encoding */
#define     COMPRESSION_CCITT_T4        3       /* CCITT T.4 (TIFF 6 name) */
#define     COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4       4       /* CCITT Group 4 fax encoding */
#define     COMPRESSION_CCITT_T6        4       /* CCITT T.6 (TIFF 6 name) */
#define     COMPRESSION_LZW             5       /* Lempel-Ziv  & Welch */
#define     COMPRESSION_OJPEG           6       /* !6.0 JPEG */
#define     COMPRESSION_JPEG            7       /* %JPEG DCT compression */
#define     COMPRESSION_T85                     9       /* !TIFF/FX T.85 JBIG compression */
#define     COMPRESSION_T43                     10      /* !TIFF/FX T.43 colour by layered JBIG compression */
#define     COMPRESSION_NEXT            32766   /* NeXT 2-bit RLE */
#define     COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW       32771   /* #1 w/ word alignment */
#define     COMPRESSION_PACKBITS        32773   /* Macintosh RLE */
#define     COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN     32809   /* ThunderScan RLE */
/* codes 32895-32898 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly at apago.com) */
#define     COMPRESSION_IT8CTPAD        32895   /* IT8 CT w/padding */
#define     COMPRESSION_IT8LW           32896   /* IT8 Linework RLE */
#define     COMPRESSION_IT8MP           32897   /* IT8 Monochrome picture */
#define     COMPRESSION_IT8BL           32898   /* IT8 Binary line art */
/* compression codes 32908-32911 are reserved for Pixar */
#define     COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM       32908   /* Pixar companded 10bit LZW */
#define     COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG        32909   /* Pixar companded 11bit ZIP */
#define     COMPRESSION_DEFLATE         32946   /* Deflate compression */
#define     COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE   8       /* Deflate compression,
                                                   as recognized by Adobe */
/* compression code 32947 is reserved for Oceana Matrix <dev at oceana.com> */
#define     COMPRESSION_DCS             32947   /* Kodak DCS encoding */
#define     COMPRESSION_JBIG            34661   /* ISO JBIG */
#define     COMPRESSION_SGILOG          34676   /* SGI Log Luminance RLE */
#define     COMPRESSION_SGILOG24        34677   /* SGI Log 24-bit packed */
#define     COMPRESSION_JP2000          34712   /* Leadtools JPEG2000 */
#define     COMPRESSION_LERC            34887   /* ESRI Lerc codec: https://github.com/Esri/lerc */
/* compression codes 34887-34889 are reserved for ESRI */
#define     COMPRESSION_LZMA            34925   /* LZMA2 */
#define     COMPRESSION_ZSTD            50000   /* ZSTD: WARNING not registered in Adobe-maintained registry */
#define     COMPRESSION_WEBP            50001   /* WEBP: WARNING not registered in Adobe-maintained registry */

Sadly, only deflate worked with 32-bit floating point session.

Others complained like
FileTIFF: Compression scheme 32908 scanline encoding is not implemented.

Also, GIMP complained a bit, but allow me to open image anyway:

tiff_io_warning: [TIFFReadDirectory] Sum of Photometric type-related color channels and ExtraSamples doesn't match SamplesPerPixel. Defining non-color channels as ExtraSamples.
tiff_io_warning: [TIFFReadDirectory] Sum of Photometric type-related color channels and ExtraSamples doesn't match SamplesPerPixel. Defining non-color channels as ExtraSamples.
tiff_io_warning: [TIFFReadDirectory] Sum of Photometric type-related color channels and ExtraSamples doesn't match SamplesPerPixel. Defining non-color channels as ExtraSamples.
tiff_io_warning: [TIFFReadDirectory] Sum of Photometric type-related color channels and ExtraSamples doesn't match SamplesPerPixel. Defining non-color channels as ExtraSamples.
bps: 32
bytes_per_pixel: 16, format: 16

Probably for other compression schemas differet, non-scanline method of calling libtiff must be used?

Also, a bit of nipicking (?) but Cinelerra doesn' show single-frame rendering correctly in stats:

** rendered 0 frames in 14.170 secs, 0.000 fps
Render::render_single: Session finished.
** rendered 355 frames in 249.619 secs, 1.422 fps
Render::render_single: Session finished.
** rendered 0 frames in 3.640 secs, 0.000 fps

Shouldn't it be 1 frame, at least?

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