[Cin] Appimage and background rendering

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 21:09:39 CEST 2021

Andrea, after more testing I think this query is solved as described
below.  Please let me know for sure.  ...Phyllis

> "1- when I enable lv2 plugins, cinelerra never loads up on me.
I tested with AppImage also, and it too should print to the terminal as
long as you started the AppImage from a window any problems with lv2
plugins so you can tell if one is in error and handle that by removing it.

> 2- is background rendering and render farm in CLI mode works now, when
> Cinelerra-GG is distributed as AppImage?"
> I actually can't do background rendering from the terminal; I get a
> loop of LV2 loading and CinGG won't start. Do you know how to do it?
In my test of batch render, this also works; for example:
./cin-x86.AppImage -r  mybatchrender.rc
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