[Cin] in/out point selected plugin attach fix?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 04:28:23 CEST 2021

Full build did not make a difference.  To generate the problem:
1) create new empty project
2) set in and out pointers
3) use "attach effect" on the track (right mouse button) to bring up menu
and choose a plugin and press OK
You can tell it "thinks" it attached the effect because the patchbay gets
bigger but you see nothing.
Do the same thing but instead of using in and out points, swipe a section
which highlights that area and do 1-3, it works.

But it does seem like the patch may be better even though I have no idea.

BTW: removing the switches from the x265_3.5.patch3 make lines speeds up
the compile so now it only takes twice as long to do a full build -- much
better so I checked that change into GIT too.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 8:09 PM Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>

> Andrew, it is not working for me when I apply the patch, but Let me do a
> full build instead of just compiling mwindowedit.C.
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 11:13 AM Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin <
> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:
>> My initial idea about modifying track.C was wrong, but even simpler mod
>> (attached) makes selection by setting in/out points and attaching plugin
>> from menu work...
>> in sense your plugin legth now can be set by setting i/o points not by
>> just mouse selection or making few cuts with 'x' blade and then selecting
>> block..
>> Phyllis, Andrea - can you give this patch a lot of testing? I mean with
>> many tracks (armed/disarmed), many plugins, shared plugins, gang modes,
>> etc...?
>> --
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>> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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