[Cin] one more termux patch!

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 00:22:06 CET 2021


> disabling oss in liba52 should have no impact, hopefully, but full
> reconfiguring for libavc1394 might blow up (
> Phyllis, Andrea - can you test this on regular x86, including older/random
> distro?
> OSS is a choice in Settings->Preferences, Playback A/B for an Audio
driver.  Therefore, I do not want to disable this for everyone, as is done
in the lines for the thirdparty/Makefile:

+a52dec.cfg_params?=--enable-djbfft --disable-oss

but the "thirdparty/src/libavc1394-0.5.4.patch1" is good.
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