[Cin] tsmuxer udf 2.50 fixes landed

Terje J. Hanssen terjejhanssen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 04:12:09 CET 2021

Den 12.12.2021 06:27, skrev Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin:
> Terje, Phyllis - can you test new nightly build of tsmuxer?
> https://github.com/justdan96/tsMuxer/releases/tag/nightly-2021-12-12-02-06-49 
> <https://github.com/justdan96/tsMuxer/releases/tag/nightly-2021-12-12-02-06-49>
> it contain 3 fixes inspired by my bugreport, I hope your players will 
> react positively to them, but... computers!

I did install the latest tsmuxer GUI(7d58796) and remuxed my last 
dv28.mpg file to dv28.iso again.
Burned the iso to BD5_DVD+RW and BD50-RE discs.

I didn't notice any changes enering each disc in the hardware UBD player;:

     BD50-RE auto-playback just fine
     BD5_DVD+RW out-of-spec and ejected

Attach here the output files for each disc tested with udfinfo and udf_test


-------------- next part --------------
appid=*tsMuxeR git-7d58796
impid=*tsMuxeR d3e0586
start=16, blocks=3, type=VRS
start=32, blocks=16, type=MVDS
start=64, blocks=1, type=LVID
start=256, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR
start=288, blocks=233184, type=PSPACE
start=233504, blocks=16, type=RVDS
-------------- next part --------------
appid=*tsMuxeR git-7d58796
impid=*tsMuxeR d3e0586
start=16, blocks=3, type=VRS
start=32, blocks=16, type=MVDS
start=64, blocks=1, type=LVID
start=256, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR
start=288, blocks=233184, type=PSPACE
start=233504, blocks=16, type=RVDS
-------------- next part --------------
UDF Conformance Testing Application
(c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1999-2007
Application version : 1.5r6 distribution bin
   UCT Core version : 1.5r6 distribution bin
           platform : Linux - with scsi/atapi support

Generic options parsing:

Medium info options parsing:

Device options parsing:

No image configuration file /dev/sr0.cfg

Created image device
  image file blocks	: 2295104  /dev/sr0
     blocks, bytes	: 2295104  #1182A0000

'-image' device Medium Info:
  last valid block	: 2295103   Volume Space: 4.3776 Gbytes
  block size		: 2048
  (ECC) blocking factor : 0
  nmb of sessions	: 1
  verify session	: 1
  session starts	: 0       
  medium WR type	: unknown
  medium SE type	: unknown
  medium CL type	: unknown finalization state

=> Warning: Undefined (ECC) blocking factor, set to 16.
-	    Please specify "-ecclength <n>" to enable the verifier to do
-	    a better job. Media that do not have ECC or fixed size packets
-	    must specify: -ecclength 1

Inspect 1 block for presence of VAT or AVDP
starting at block: 2295103

  ==>	read cache: max 32 buffers of 32 sectors, total 2048 Kb
2295103	        1 ok block read

Inspect 456 blocks for presence of VAT or AVDP
starting at block: 2294647

2294647	      456 ok blocks read

no VAT or AVDP found so far

	Single Layer medium

Verification start medium info
  last valid block	: 2295103   Volume Space: 4.3776 Gbytes
  block size		: 2048
  (ECC) blocking factor : 16
  nmb of sessions	: 1
  verify session	: 1
  session starts	: 0       
  medium WR type	: unknown
  medium SE type	: unknown
  medium CL type	: unknown finalization state

====>	Start verification
	Start time   : 2021-12-13 01:22:41 +01:00 (east of UTC)
	Verbose level: 100
	Message limit: 20
	Fake read enabled
	Read cache enabled
	Initial UDF Revision range: 1.02 thru 2.60
	Single Layer medium

====>	Volume Structure verification
	Read Volume Recognition Sequence
     16	read block
	Start of Extended Area
     17	read block
  ==>	Changed UDF Revision range from: 1.02 thru 2.60 to: 2.00 thru 2.60
-	because of "NSR03 descriptor"
     18	read block
     19	read block
	End of Extended Area
	End of Volume Recognition Sequence

	Reading Volume Information
    256	read block
	AVDP at 256	(MVDS: 32, RVDS: 233504)
	First Tag Serial Number: 3
2294847	read block
	No AVDP at N-256
2295103	read block
	No AVDP at N

	Number of AVDPs: 1, AVDP  at  256

====>	Read Main VDS extent:      32, length:  32768
     32	read block
	PVD   VDS Number: 1
	PVD   Recording Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00
	PVD   Volume Identifier    : " "
	PVD   Volume Set Identifier: "71B3915B         "
  ==>	PVD  344 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR git-7d58796"
  ==>	PVD  388 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Implementation Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR d3e0586"
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
  ==>	Add PVD to VDS info
     33	read block
	IUVD  VDS Number: 2
	IUVD EntityID Identifier: "*UDF LV Info"
  ==>	IUVD 20  New Entity Identifier (regid):
	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF LV Info"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
  ==>	Changed UDF Revision range from: 2.00 thru 2.60 to: 2.50 only
-	because of "UDF EntityID UDF revision"
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
	UDF IUVD Logical Volume Identifier : " "
	UDF IUVD LVInfo1: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo2: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo3: <undefined>
  ==>	Add IUVD to VDS info
     34	read block
	PD    VDS Number: 3, Partition Number: 0
  ==>	PD   24  New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "+NSR03"
	PD: No Unallocated/Freed Space Set in Partition Header Descriptor
  ==>	Add PD to VDS info, partition number: 0
     35	read block
	LVD   VDS Number: 4
	LVD   Logical Volume Identifier: " "
  ==>	LVD  216 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Domain Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*OSTA UDF Compliant"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  Domain flags	     : #00
	LVD   FSD at: (0,p1)
  ==>	LVD  450 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF Metadata Partition"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
  ==>	Add LVD to VDS info
     36	read block
	USD   VDS Number: 5, nmb of ADs: 0
  ==>	Add USD to VDS info
     37	read block

====>	Read Reserve VDS extent:  233504, length:  32768
 233504	read block
	PVD   VDS Number: 1
	PVD   Recording Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00
	PVD   Volume Identifier    : " "
	PVD   Volume Set Identifier: "71B3915B         "
  ==>	Add PVD to VDS info
 233505	read block
	IUVD  VDS Number: 2
	IUVD EntityID Identifier: "*UDF LV Info"
	UDF IUVD Logical Volume Identifier : " "
	UDF IUVD LVInfo1: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo2: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo3: <undefined>
  ==>	Add IUVD to VDS info
 233506	read block
	PD    VDS Number: 3, Partition Number: 0
	PD: No Unallocated/Freed Space Set in Partition Header Descriptor
  ==>	Add PD to VDS info, partition number: 0
 233507	read block
	LVD   VDS Number: 4
	LVD   Logical Volume Identifier: " "
	LVD   FSD at: (0,p1)
  ==>	Add LVD to VDS info
 233508	read block
	USD   VDS Number: 5, nmb of ADs: 0
  ==>	Add USD to VDS info
 233509	read block

====>	Check equivalence of Main VDS and Reserve VDS

  ==>	Main and Reserve VDS are equivalent

====>	Check Main VDS. Summary:
	 PVD VDS Number  1
	 LVD VDS Number  4
	 USD VDS Number  5
	  PD VDS Number  3
	IUVD VDS Number  2  ID: "*UDF LV Info"
	   5 prevailing VDS descriptors found

  ==>	Using Main VDS

  ==>	Checking VDS 'far apart' allocation for Main and Reserve VDS.

   =>	Volume Descriptor Sequence 'far apart' test summary:
-	      Main VDS LBA range:         32  thru         47,   1 extent
-	   Reserve VDS LBA range:     233504  thru     233519,   1 extent
-	  lowest packet distance:   14592 ECC packets ( 10.2% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 1:   14350 ECC packets ( 10.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 2:   35870 ECC packets ( 25.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	      1 extent combination less than 35870 ECC packets apart
-	       Main VDS    Reserve VDS    ECC packet distance
-	            47         233504        14592        nearby packets

	   Note: Main VDS and Reserve VDS extents not far apart, see
-		 summary above, UDF, UDF 2.50 errata DCN-5113.
-		 Far apart rules for VDS are introduced in UDF 2.50.

====>	Checking Logical Volume: " "

	Prevailing Partition Descriptors:
	  pNmb:    0, start:   288, length:  233184, access: read-only

	LVD Partition Maps:
	  p0: Physical Partition Map (Type 1), pNmb:    0
	  p1: Metadata Partition Map (Type 2), pNmb:    0

  ==>	Changed medium WR type from unknown to read-only
-	        because of partition access type
  ==>	Changed medium SE type from unknown to nonsequential
-	        because of no Virtual Partition found

  ==>	Metadata Partition found
	  Allocation Unit Size: 32 (blocks)
	  Alignment Unit Size : 32 (blocks)
	  Duplicate Metadata Flag set

	Read Metadata File FE
    288	read block
	EFE  file type MF    UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <Metadata File>
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0     196608         32 0       196608     196608

	Metadata File Modification Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00

	Fake read Metadata File data
    320	fake read 96 blocks

	Read Metadata Mirror File FE
 233375	read block
	EFE  file type MMF   UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <Metadata Mirror File>
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0     196608     233088 0       196608     196608

	Metadata Mirror File Modification Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00

	Fake read Metadata Mirror File data
 233376	fake read 96 blocks

  ==>	Checking Metadata 'far apart' allocation for EFE + duplicated data.

   =>	Metadata 'far apart' test summary:
-	 Metadata File LBA range:        288  thru        415,   2 extents
-	   Mirror File LBA range:     233375  thru     233471,   2 extents
-	  lowest packet distance:   14560 ECC packets ( 10.2% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 1:   14350 ECC packets ( 10.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 2:   35860 ECC packets ( 25.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	      4 extent combinations less than 35860 ECC packets apart
-	  Metadata File    Mirror File    ECC packet distance
-	           415         233375        14560        nearby packets
-	           415         233376        14561        nearby packets
-	           288         233375        14567        nearby packets
-	           288         233376        14568        nearby packets

	   Note: Metadata File and Mirror File extents not far apart, see
-		 summary above, UDF, UDF 2.50 errata DCN-5106.

	Mounted Partitions:
-	p0: Physical, pNmb:    0, blocks:     288 thru  233471, access: read-only
-			  logical blocks:       0 thru  233183
-	p1: Metadata, pNmb:    0, blocks:     320 thru     415, access: read-only
-			  logical blocks:       0 thru      95

	Error: Number of AVDPs less than 2: 1, AVDP at 256
-	       UDF 2.2.3, 6.10..., 6.13..., 6.14....

	Read LVID sequence extent: 64, length: 32768
     64	read block
	LVID  - Close
	LVID Recording Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00
     65	read block

	Next UniqueID: #0000000000000027,
	from LVID Logical Volume Header Descriptor.

  ==>	p0: read Unallocated or Freed Partition Space Sets
	p0: No partition Space set found

  ==>	p1: No Metadata Bitmap File for read-only partition.

	Read FSD sequence extent: (0,p1), length:   2048

    320	read block
	FSD   FSN: 0,  FSDN: 0
	FSD   Logical Volume Identifier: " "
	FSD         File Set Identifier: " "
	FSD   Copyright File Identifier: <undefined>
	FSD    Abstract File Identifier: <undefined>
	FSD           Root Directory at: (1,p1)
	FSD  System Stream Directory at: (40,p1)

====>	Volume identifiers summary:

	    PVD:         Volume Identifier  [32]: " "
	    PVD:     Volume Set Identifier [128]: "71B3915B         "
	    LVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	   IUVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD:       File Set Identifier  [32]: " "

====>	File Structure verification

	Read System Stream Directory
    360	read block
	EFE  file type SDIR  UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <SysStreamDir>//
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        108         41 1          108       2048

  ==>	(max) depth:  1  1  Expand stream directory: <SysStreamDir>//

	Read FIDs
    361	read block
	Verify FIDs, 108 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: <SysStreamDir>//<parent FID>, refers to: <SysStreamDir>//
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:   8   name: <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    362	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        416        128 0          416       2048

Stream Directory: <SysStreamDir>//

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x SDIR  1 2021-12-12 14:54        108 <SysStreamDir>//<parent FID>, refers to: <SysStreamDir>//
....mL.A.....s..:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        416 <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"

	file body read: <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"
    416	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  1 for stream directory: <SysStreamDir>//
-			   0 files   0 directories    1 stream 
-	 overall total:    0 files   0 directories    1 stream    1 stream directory

	Maximum directory depth: 1

	Read Root Directory
    321	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <root>
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        136          2 1          136       2048

  ==>	(max) depth:  1  1  Expand directory: <root>

	Read FIDs
    322	read block
	Verify FIDs, 136 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: /<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:   8   name: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000016  cid:   8   name: "CERTIFICATE"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    323	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000010   name: "BDMV"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        520          4 1          520       2048
    356	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000016   name: "CERTIFICATE"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         88         37 1           88       2048

Directory: <root>

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   3 2021-12-12 14:54        136 /<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "BDMV"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   2 2021-12-12 14:54         88 "CERTIFICATE"

  ==>	(max) depth:  2  2  Expand directory: "BDMV"

	Read FIDs
    324	read block
	Verify FIDs, 520 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: "BDMV"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001F  cid:   8   name: "index.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000021  cid:   8   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000011  cid:   8   name: "META"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000012  cid:   8   name: "BDJO"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000013  cid:   8   name: "JAR"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:   8   name: "BACKUP"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000018  cid:   8   name: "AUXDATA"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000019  cid:   8   name: "CLIPINF"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001A  cid:   8   name: "PLAYLIST"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001B  cid:   8   name: "STREAM"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    325	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #000000000000001F   name: "index.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        120     233077 0          120       2048
    326	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000021   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        290     233079 0          290       2048
    327	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000011   name: "META"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40          8 1           40       2048
    329	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000012   name: "BDJO"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         10 1           40       2048
    331	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000013   name: "JAR"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         12 1           40       2048
    333	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000014   name: "BACKUP"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        288         14 1          288       2048
    345	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000018   name: "AUXDATA"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         26 1           40       2048
    347	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000019   name: "CLIPINF"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         28 1           92       2048
    350	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001A   name: "PLAYLIST"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         31 1           92       2048
    353	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001B   name: "STREAM"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         34 1           92       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   3 2021-12-12 14:54        136 "BDMV"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        120 "index.bdmv"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        290 "MovieObject.bdmv"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "META"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "BDJO"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "JAR"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "BACKUP"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "AUXDATA"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "CLIPINF"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "PLAYLIST"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "STREAM"

	file body read: "index.bdmv"
 233365	fake read block
	file body read: "MovieObject.bdmv"
 233367	fake read block

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "META"

	Read FIDs
    328	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "META"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"META"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "META"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  3 for directory: "META"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "BDJO"

	Read FIDs
    330	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BDJO"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  3 for directory: "BDJO"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "JAR"

	Read FIDs
    332	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "JAR"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"JAR"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "JAR"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  3 for directory: "JAR"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "BACKUP"

	Read FIDs
    334	read block
	Verify FIDs, 288 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000020  cid:   8   name: "index.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000022  cid:   8   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000015  cid:   8   name: "BDJO"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001C  cid:   8   name: "CLIPINF"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001D  cid:   8   name: "PLAYLIST"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    335	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000020   name: "index.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        120     233078 0          120       2048
    336	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000022   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        290     233080 0          290       2048
    337	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000015   name: "BDJO"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         18 1           40       2048
    339	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001C   name: "CLIPINF"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         20 1           92       2048
    342	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001D   name: "PLAYLIST"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         23 1           92       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        120 "index.bdmv"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        290 "MovieObject.bdmv"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "BDJO"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "CLIPINF"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "PLAYLIST"

	file body read: "index.bdmv"
 233366	fake read block
	file body read: "MovieObject.bdmv"
 233368	fake read block

  ==>	(max) depth:  4  4  Expand directory: "BDJO"

	Read FIDs
    338	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:       name: "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"/"BDJO"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BDJO"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  4  4  Expand directory: "CLIPINF"

	Read FIDs
    340	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:       name: "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000024  cid:   8   name: "00000.clpi"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    341	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000024   name: "00000.clpi"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0       1820     233082 0         1820       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"/"CLIPINF"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54       1820 "00000.clpi"

	file body read: "00000.clpi"
 233370	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "CLIPINF"
-			   1 file    0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  4  4  Expand directory: "PLAYLIST"

	Read FIDs
    343	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:       name: "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000026  cid:   8   name: "00000.mpls"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    344	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000026   name: "00000.mpls"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        170     233084 0          170       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"/"PLAYLIST"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        170 "00000.mpls"

	file body read: "00000.mpls"
 233372	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "PLAYLIST"
-			   1 file    0 directories

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BACKUP"
-			   2 files   3 directories
-		nested:    2 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "AUXDATA"

	Read FIDs
    346	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "AUXDATA"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"AUXDATA"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "AUXDATA"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "AUXDATA"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "CLIPINF"

	Read FIDs
    348	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000023  cid:   8   name: "00000.clpi"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    349	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000023   name: "00000.clpi"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0       1820     233081 0         1820       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"CLIPINF"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54       1820 "00000.clpi"

	file body read: "00000.clpi"
 233369	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "CLIPINF"
-			   1 file    0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "PLAYLIST"

	Read FIDs
    351	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000025  cid:   8   name: "00000.mpls"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    352	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000025   name: "00000.mpls"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        170     233083 0          170       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"PLAYLIST"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        170 "00000.mpls"

	file body read: "00000.mpls"
 233371	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "PLAYLIST"
-			   1 file    0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "STREAM"

	Read FIDs
    354	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "STREAM"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001E  cid:   8   name: "00000.m2ts"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    355	read block
	EFE  file type RTF   UniqueID: #000000000000001E   name: "00000.m2ts"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0  477014016        160 0    477014016  477014016

Directory: /"BDMV"/"STREAM"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "STREAM"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. RTF   1 2021-12-12 14:54  477014016 "00000.m2ts"

	file body read: "00000.m2ts"
    448	fake read 232917 blocks

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "STREAM"
-			   1 file    0 directories

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BDMV"
-			   2 files   8 directories
-		nested:    7 files   3 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  2  4  Expand directory: "CERTIFICATE"

	Read FIDs
    357	read block
	Verify FIDs, 88 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: "CERTIFICATE"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
	FID  UniqueID: #00000017  cid:   8   name: "BACKUP"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    358	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000017   name: "BACKUP"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         39 1           40       2048

Directory: /"CERTIFICATE"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   3 2021-12-12 14:54        136 "CERTIFICATE"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "BACKUP"

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "BACKUP"

	Read FIDs
    359	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000016  cid:       name: "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "CERTIFICATE"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs


.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   2 2021-12-12 14:54         88 "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "CERTIFICATE"

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BACKUP"
-			   0 files   0 directories

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "CERTIFICATE"
-			   0 files   1 directory  

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: <root>
-			   0 files   2 directories
-		nested:    9 files  12 directories
-	 overall total:    9 files  15 directories

	Maximum directory depth: 4

	End of directory tree expansion
	Excluding deleted FIDs with cleared ICB

====>	Testing File Link Count by cross reference of 44 paths.
	File Link Count errors will be identified here by the
	physical address of the File Entry as well as all
	paths identifying the File Entry.
	The physical address of the File Entry is also shown in
	the informational read block messages above.
	Note that errors found here may have been reported before
	or may be caused by other previously reported errors.

====>	Testing free Volume Space in USD Allocation Descriptors
	No free Volume Space defined in USD

====>	Build Partition Space Bitmaps.
	Also check structures that overlap with partition space.

====>	Compare duplicated Metadata File to its mirror.
    320	read 43 blocks
 233376	read 43 blocks

====>	Partition Allocation summary :

 ===>	Physical Partition p0:  size 233184 blocks, read-only
				blocks     288 thru  233471

  ==>	Compare partition p0 calculated bitmap to recorded Space Set
	  No Space Set found for partition p0

 ===>	Metadata Partition p1:  size 96 blocks, read-only
				mapped on Physical Partition p0

  ==>	Compare partition p1 calculated bitmap to recorded Space Set
	  No Space Set found for partition p1

====>	Final LVID verification
	Close LVID
  ==>	read-only Physical Partition p0 Space summary:
	                  Partition Length    :  233184
	             LVID Partition Size      :  233184
	             LVID Partition Free Space:       0
	          Verifier expected free space:       0

  ==>	read-only Metadata Partition p1 Space summary:
	                  Partition Length    :      96
	             LVID Partition Size      :      96
	             LVID Partition Free Space:       0
	          Verifier expected free space:       0

  ==>	       LVID status summary:
	Last modification Time    : 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00 (east of UTC)
	Last written Developer Id : "*tsMuxeR d3e0586"
	Next UniqueID             : #0000000000000027 => from LVID
	max used FE  UniqueID     : #0000000000000026
	max used FID UniqueID     :         #00000026
	Number of Files           :        9
	Number of Directories     :       15
	Min UDF Read   Revision   : UDF 2.50
	Min UDF Write  Revision   : UDF 2.50
	Max UDF Write  Revision   : UDF 2.50
	    Medium UDF Revision   : UDF 2.50

====>	Testing uniqueness of relevant UniqueIDs.

	Test complete
	Elapsed time : 00:03

====>	Volume identifiers summary:

	    PVD:         Volume Identifier  [32]: " "
	    PVD:     Volume Set Identifier [128]: "71B3915B         "
	    LVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	   IUVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD:       File Set Identifier  [32]: " "

====>	Encountered EntityID (regid) summary:

 count	EntityID

    3	Domain Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*OSTA UDF Compliant"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  Domain flags	     : #00
    2	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF LV Info"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
    2	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF Metadata Partition"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
   37	Implementation Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR d3e0586"
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
    2	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR git-7d58796"
    2	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "+NSR03"

  These EntityIDs are also shown above when read for the first time

====>	Final verify status report

  Final UDF Revision range: 2.50 only

  File System info
  last valid block	: 2295103   Volume Space: 4.3776 Gbytes
  block size		: 2048
  (ECC) blocking factor : 16
  nmb of sessions	: 1
  verify session	: 1
  session starts	: 0       
  medium WR type	: read-only
  medium SE type	: nonsequential
  medium CL type	: unknown finalization state

  Summed file body sizes: 477019232 bytes	(454.9210 Mbytes)

    Error count:   1	total occurrences:     1  -> search for   "error:"
  Warning count:   1	total occurrences:     1  -> search for "warning:"

  Additional notes may have been printed:	  -> search for    "note:"

-	The number of errors and warnings is an indication only.
-	There is no guarantee that the number of errors and
-	warnings as shown by the UDF verifier is correct.

Exit code 2, complete with errors.

-------------- next part --------------
UDF Conformance Testing Application
(c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1999-2007
Application version : 1.5r6 distribution bin
   UCT Core version : 1.5r6 distribution bin
           platform : Linux - with scsi/atapi support

Generic options parsing:

Medium info options parsing:

Device options parsing:

No image configuration file /dev/sr0.cfg

Created image device
  image file blocks	: 24438784 /dev/sr0
     blocks, bytes	: 24438784 #BA7400000

'-image' device Medium Info:
  last valid block	: 24438783   Volume Space: 46.6133 Gbytes
  block size		: 2048
  (ECC) blocking factor : 0
  nmb of sessions	: 1
  verify session	: 1
  session starts	: 0       
  medium WR type	: unknown
  medium SE type	: unknown
  medium CL type	: unknown finalization state

=> Warning: Undefined (ECC) blocking factor, set to 16.
-	    Please specify "-ecclength <n>" to enable the verifier to do
-	    a better job. Media that do not have ECC or fixed size packets
-	    must specify: -ecclength 1

Inspect 1 block for presence of VAT or AVDP
starting at block: 24438783

  ==>	read cache: max 32 buffers of 32 sectors, total 2048 Kb
24438783	        1 ok block read
24438783	AVDP	(MVDS: 32, RVDS: 24438464)

last AVDP at 24438783 (N)

	Single Layer medium

Verification start medium info
  last valid block	: 24438783   Volume Space: 46.6133 Gbytes
  block size		: 2048
  (ECC) blocking factor : 16
  nmb of sessions	: 1
  verify session	: 1
  session starts	: 0       
  medium WR type	: unknown
  medium SE type	: unknown
  medium CL type	: unknown finalization state

====>	Start verification
	Start time   : 2021-12-13 01:36:43 +01:00 (east of UTC)
	Verbose level: 100
	Message limit: 20
	Fake read enabled
	Read cache enabled
	Initial UDF Revision range: 1.02 thru 2.60
	Single Layer medium

====>	Volume Structure verification
	Read Volume Recognition Sequence
     16	read block
	Start of Extended Area
     17	read block
  ==>	Changed UDF Revision range from: 1.02 thru 2.60 to: 2.00 thru 2.60
-	because of "NSR03 descriptor"
     18	read block
     19	read block
	End of Extended Area
	End of Volume Recognition Sequence

	Reading Volume Information
    256	read block
	AVDP at 256	(MVDS: 32, RVDS: 233504)
	First Tag Serial Number: 3
24438527	read block
	AVDP at N-256	(MVDS: 32, RVDS: 24438464)
	AVDP 2   Warning: Tag Descriptor Version: 2.
-		 First occurrence of Descriptor Version 2 and 3 mix.
-		 Found so far: value 2: 1 time, value 3: 1 time,
-		 ECMA-167 3rd edition 3/7.2.2, 4/7.2.2.
	Error: Tag Serial Number changing: 3 -> 1, no disaster
-	       recovery support, ECMA 3/7.2.5, 4/7.2.5, UDF
	AVDP error: Volume Descriptor Sequence Extent not equal to
-		    the one read in first AVDP
-	   Main: length,location: 32768, 32    expected:  32768, 32   
-	Reserve: length,location: 32768, 24438464 expected:  32768, 233504
-	Using first AVDP
24438783	read block
	AVDP at N	(MVDS: 32, RVDS: 24438464)
	AVDP error: Volume Descriptor Sequence Extent not equal to
-		    the one read in first AVDP
-	   Main: length,location: 32768, 32    expected:  32768, 32   
-	Reserve: length,location: 32768, 24438464 expected:  32768, 233504
-	Using first AVDP

	Number of AVDPs: 3, AVDPs at  256,  N-256,  N

====>	Read Main VDS extent:      32, length:  32768
     32	read block
	PVD   VDS Number: 1
	Error: Tag Serial Number changing: 1 -> 3, no disaster
-	       recovery support, ECMA 3/7.2.5, 4/7.2.5, UDF
- ==>	Message printed 2 times, ignored from now.
	PVD   Recording Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00
	PVD   Volume Identifier    : " "
	PVD   Volume Set Identifier: "71B3915B         "
  ==>	PVD  344 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR git-7d58796"
  ==>	PVD  388 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Implementation Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR d3e0586"
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
  ==>	Add PVD to VDS info
     33	read block
	IUVD  VDS Number: 2
	IUVD EntityID Identifier: "*UDF LV Info"
  ==>	IUVD 20  New Entity Identifier (regid):
	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF LV Info"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
  ==>	Changed UDF Revision range from: 2.00 thru 2.60 to: 2.50 only
-	because of "UDF EntityID UDF revision"
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
	UDF IUVD Logical Volume Identifier : " "
	UDF IUVD LVInfo1: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo2: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo3: <undefined>
  ==>	Add IUVD to VDS info
     34	read block
	PD    VDS Number: 3, Partition Number: 0
  ==>	PD   24  New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "+NSR03"
	PD: No Unallocated/Freed Space Set in Partition Header Descriptor
  ==>	Add PD to VDS info, partition number: 0
     35	read block
	LVD   VDS Number: 4
	LVD   Logical Volume Identifier: " "
  ==>	LVD  216 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	Domain Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*OSTA UDF Compliant"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  Domain flags	     : #00
	LVD   FSD at: (0,p1)
  ==>	LVD  450 New Entity Identifier (regid):
	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF Metadata Partition"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
  ==>	Add LVD to VDS info
     36	read block
	USD   VDS Number: 5, nmb of ADs: 0
  ==>	Add USD to VDS info
     37	read block

====>	Read Reserve VDS extent:  233504, length:  32768
 233504	read block
	PVD   VDS Number: 1
	PVD   Recording Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00
	PVD   Volume Identifier    : " "
	PVD   Volume Set Identifier: "71B3915B         "
  ==>	Add PVD to VDS info
 233505	read block
	IUVD  VDS Number: 2
	IUVD EntityID Identifier: "*UDF LV Info"
	UDF IUVD Logical Volume Identifier : " "
	UDF IUVD LVInfo1: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo2: <undefined>
	UDF IUVD LVInfo3: <undefined>
  ==>	Add IUVD to VDS info
 233506	read block
	PD    VDS Number: 3, Partition Number: 0
	PD: No Unallocated/Freed Space Set in Partition Header Descriptor
  ==>	Add PD to VDS info, partition number: 0
 233507	read block
	LVD   VDS Number: 4
	LVD   Logical Volume Identifier: " "
	LVD   FSD at: (0,p1)
  ==>	Add LVD to VDS info
 233508	read block
	USD   VDS Number: 5, nmb of ADs: 0
  ==>	Add USD to VDS info
 233509	read block

====>	Check equivalence of Main VDS and Reserve VDS

  ==>	Main and Reserve VDS are equivalent

====>	Check Main VDS. Summary:
	 PVD VDS Number  1
	 LVD VDS Number  4
	 USD VDS Number  5
	  PD VDS Number  3
	IUVD VDS Number  2  ID: "*UDF LV Info"
	   5 prevailing VDS descriptors found

  ==>	Using Main VDS

  ==>	Checking VDS 'far apart' allocation for Main and Reserve VDS.

   =>	Volume Descriptor Sequence 'far apart' test summary:
-	      Main VDS LBA range:         32  thru         47,   1 extent
-	   Reserve VDS LBA range:     233504  thru     233519,   1 extent
-	  lowest packet distance:   14592 ECC packets (  1.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 1:  152800 ECC packets ( 10.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 2:  381900 ECC packets ( 25.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	      1 extent combination less than 152800 ECC packets apart
-	       Main VDS    Reserve VDS    ECC packet distance
-	            47         233504        14592        nearby packets

	Warning: Main VDS and Reserve VDS extents not far apart, see
-		 summary above, UDF, UDF 2.50 errata DCN-5113.
-		 Far apart rules for VDS are introduced in UDF 2.50.

====>	Checking Logical Volume: " "

	Prevailing Partition Descriptors:
	  pNmb:    0, start:   288, length:  233184, access: read-only

	LVD Partition Maps:
	  p0: Physical Partition Map (Type 1), pNmb:    0
	  p1: Metadata Partition Map (Type 2), pNmb:    0

  ==>	Changed medium WR type from unknown to read-only
-	        because of partition access type
  ==>	Changed medium SE type from unknown to nonsequential
-	        because of no Virtual Partition found

  ==>	Metadata Partition found
	  Allocation Unit Size: 32 (blocks)
	  Alignment Unit Size : 32 (blocks)
	  Duplicate Metadata Flag set

	Read Metadata File FE
    288	read block
	EFE  file type MF    UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <Metadata File>
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0     196608         32 0       196608     196608

	Metadata File Modification Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00

	Fake read Metadata File data
    320	fake read 96 blocks

	Read Metadata Mirror File FE
 233375	read block
	EFE  file type MMF   UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <Metadata Mirror File>
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0     196608     233088 0       196608     196608

	Metadata Mirror File Modification Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00

	Fake read Metadata Mirror File data
 233376	fake read 96 blocks

  ==>	Checking Metadata 'far apart' allocation for EFE + duplicated data.

   =>	Metadata 'far apart' test summary:
-	 Metadata File LBA range:        288  thru        415,   2 extents
-	   Mirror File LBA range:     233375  thru     233471,   2 extents
-	  lowest packet distance:   14560 ECC packets (  1.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 1:  152800 ECC packets ( 10.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	     test margin level 2:  381900 ECC packets ( 25.0% of remaining Volume Space)
-	      4 extent combinations less than 152800 ECC packets apart
-	  Metadata File    Mirror File    ECC packet distance
-	           415         233375        14560        nearby packets
-	           415         233376        14561        nearby packets
-	           288         233375        14567        nearby packets
-	           288         233376        14568        nearby packets

	Warning: Metadata File and Mirror File extents not far apart, see
-		 summary above, UDF, UDF 2.50 errata DCN-5106.

	Mounted Partitions:
-	p0: Physical, pNmb:    0, blocks:     288 thru  233471, access: read-only
-			  logical blocks:       0 thru  233183
-	p1: Metadata, pNmb:    0, blocks:     320 thru     415, access: read-only
-			  logical blocks:       0 thru      95

  ==>	Changed medium CL type from unknown finalization state to finalized
-	        because of more than one AVDP found

	Read LVID sequence extent: 64, length: 32768
     64	read block
	LVID  - Close
	LVID Recording Time: 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00
     65	read block

	Next UniqueID: #0000000000000027,
	from LVID Logical Volume Header Descriptor.

  ==>	p0: read Unallocated or Freed Partition Space Sets
	p0: No partition Space set found

  ==>	p1: No Metadata Bitmap File for read-only partition.

	Read FSD sequence extent: (0,p1), length:   2048

    320	read block
	FSD   FSN: 0,  FSDN: 0
	FSD   Logical Volume Identifier: " "
	FSD         File Set Identifier: " "
	FSD   Copyright File Identifier: <undefined>
	FSD    Abstract File Identifier: <undefined>
	FSD           Root Directory at: (1,p1)
	FSD  System Stream Directory at: (40,p1)

====>	Volume identifiers summary:

	    PVD:         Volume Identifier  [32]: " "
	    PVD:     Volume Set Identifier [128]: "71B3915B         "
	    LVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	   IUVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD:       File Set Identifier  [32]: " "

====>	File Structure verification

	Read System Stream Directory
    360	read block
	EFE  file type SDIR  UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <SysStreamDir>//
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        108         41 1          108       2048

  ==>	(max) depth:  1  1  Expand stream directory: <SysStreamDir>//

	Read FIDs
    361	read block
	Verify FIDs, 108 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: <SysStreamDir>//<parent FID>, refers to: <SysStreamDir>//
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:   8   name: <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    362	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        416        128 0          416       2048

Stream Directory: <SysStreamDir>//

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x SDIR  1 2021-12-12 14:54        108 <SysStreamDir>//<parent FID>, refers to: <SysStreamDir>//
....mL.A.....s..:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        416 <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"

	file body read: <SysStreamDir>//"*UDF Unique ID Mapping Data"
    416	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  1 for stream directory: <SysStreamDir>//
-			   0 files   0 directories    1 stream 
-	 overall total:    0 files   0 directories    1 stream    1 stream directory

	Maximum directory depth: 1

	Read Root Directory
    321	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000000   name: <root>
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        136          2 1          136       2048

  ==>	(max) depth:  1  1  Expand directory: <root>

	Read FIDs
    322	read block
	Verify FIDs, 136 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: /<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:   8   name: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000016  cid:   8   name: "CERTIFICATE"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    323	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000010   name: "BDMV"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        520          4 1          520       2048
    356	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000016   name: "CERTIFICATE"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         88         37 1           88       2048

Directory: <root>

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   3 2021-12-12 14:54        136 /<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "BDMV"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   2 2021-12-12 14:54         88 "CERTIFICATE"

  ==>	(max) depth:  2  2  Expand directory: "BDMV"

	Read FIDs
    324	read block
	Verify FIDs, 520 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: "BDMV"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001F  cid:   8   name: "index.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000021  cid:   8   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000011  cid:   8   name: "META"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000012  cid:   8   name: "BDJO"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000013  cid:   8   name: "JAR"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:   8   name: "BACKUP"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000018  cid:   8   name: "AUXDATA"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000019  cid:   8   name: "CLIPINF"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001A  cid:   8   name: "PLAYLIST"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001B  cid:   8   name: "STREAM"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    325	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #000000000000001F   name: "index.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        120     233077 0          120       2048
    326	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000021   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        290     233079 0          290       2048
    327	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000011   name: "META"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40          8 1           40       2048
    329	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000012   name: "BDJO"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         10 1           40       2048
    331	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000013   name: "JAR"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         12 1           40       2048
    333	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000014   name: "BACKUP"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0        288         14 1          288       2048
    345	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000018   name: "AUXDATA"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         26 1           40       2048
    347	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000019   name: "CLIPINF"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         28 1           92       2048
    350	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001A   name: "PLAYLIST"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         31 1           92       2048
    353	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001B   name: "STREAM"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         34 1           92       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   3 2021-12-12 14:54        136 "BDMV"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        120 "index.bdmv"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        290 "MovieObject.bdmv"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "META"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "BDJO"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "JAR"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "BACKUP"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "AUXDATA"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "CLIPINF"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "PLAYLIST"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "STREAM"

	file body read: "index.bdmv"
 233365	fake read block
	file body read: "MovieObject.bdmv"
 233367	fake read block

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "META"

	Read FIDs
    328	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "META"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"META"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "META"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  3 for directory: "META"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "BDJO"

	Read FIDs
    330	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BDJO"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  3 for directory: "BDJO"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "JAR"

	Read FIDs
    332	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "JAR"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"JAR"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "JAR"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  3 for directory: "JAR"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  3  Expand directory: "BACKUP"

	Read FIDs
    334	read block
	Verify FIDs, 288 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000020  cid:   8   name: "index.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000022  cid:   8   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000015  cid:   8   name: "BDJO"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001C  cid:   8   name: "CLIPINF"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001D  cid:   8   name: "PLAYLIST"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    335	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000020   name: "index.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        120     233078 0          120       2048
    336	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000022   name: "MovieObject.bdmv"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        290     233080 0          290       2048
    337	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000015   name: "BDJO"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         18 1           40       2048
    339	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001C   name: "CLIPINF"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         20 1           92       2048
    342	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #000000000000001D   name: "PLAYLIST"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         92         23 1           92       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        120 "index.bdmv"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        290 "MovieObject.bdmv"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "BDJO"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "CLIPINF"
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         92 "PLAYLIST"

	file body read: "index.bdmv"
 233366	fake read block
	file body read: "MovieObject.bdmv"
 233368	fake read block

  ==>	(max) depth:  4  4  Expand directory: "BDJO"

	Read FIDs
    338	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:       name: "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"/"BDJO"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "BDJO"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BDJO"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  4  4  Expand directory: "CLIPINF"

	Read FIDs
    340	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:       name: "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000024  cid:   8   name: "00000.clpi"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    341	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000024   name: "00000.clpi"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0       1820     233082 0         1820       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"/"CLIPINF"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54       1820 "00000.clpi"

	file body read: "00000.clpi"
 233370	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "CLIPINF"
-			   1 file    0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  4  4  Expand directory: "PLAYLIST"

	Read FIDs
    343	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000014  cid:       name: "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000026  cid:   8   name: "00000.mpls"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    344	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000026   name: "00000.mpls"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        170     233084 0          170       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"BACKUP"/"PLAYLIST"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   4 2021-12-12 14:54        288 "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BACKUP"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        170 "00000.mpls"

	file body read: "00000.mpls"
 233372	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "PLAYLIST"
-			   1 file    0 directories

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BACKUP"
-			   2 files   3 directories
-		nested:    2 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "AUXDATA"

	Read FIDs
    346	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "AUXDATA"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs

Directory: /"BDMV"/"AUXDATA"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "AUXDATA"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "AUXDATA"
-			   0 files   0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "CLIPINF"

	Read FIDs
    348	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000023  cid:   8   name: "00000.clpi"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    349	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000023   name: "00000.clpi"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0       1820     233081 0         1820       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"CLIPINF"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "CLIPINF"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54       1820 "00000.clpi"

	file body read: "00000.clpi"
 233369	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "CLIPINF"
-			   1 file    0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "PLAYLIST"

	Read FIDs
    351	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #00000025  cid:   8   name: "00000.mpls"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    352	read block
	EFE  file type FILE  UniqueID: #0000000000000025   name: "00000.mpls"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0        170     233083 0          170       2048

Directory: /"BDMV"/"PLAYLIST"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "PLAYLIST"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. FILE  1 2021-12-12 14:54        170 "00000.mpls"

	file body read: "00000.mpls"
 233371	fake read block

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "PLAYLIST"
-			   1 file    0 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "STREAM"

	Read FIDs
    354	read block
	Verify FIDs, 92 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000010  cid:       name: "STREAM"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
	FID  UniqueID: #0000001E  cid:   8   name: "00000.m2ts"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    355	read block
	EFE  file type RTF   UniqueID: #000000000000001E   name: "00000.m2ts"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: long_ad    0  477014016        160 0    477014016  477014016

Directory: /"BDMV"/"STREAM"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   9 2021-12-12 14:54        520 "STREAM"/<parent FID>, refers to: "BDMV"
.....L.A........:..r..:..r..:..r.. RTF   1 2021-12-12 14:54  477014016 "00000.m2ts"

	file body read: "00000.m2ts"
    448	fake read 232917 blocks

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "STREAM"
-			   1 file    0 directories

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BDMV"
-			   2 files   8 directories
-		nested:    7 files   3 directories

  ==>	(max) depth:  2  4  Expand directory: "CERTIFICATE"

	Read FIDs
    357	read block
	Verify FIDs, 88 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000000  cid:       name: "CERTIFICATE"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
	FID  UniqueID: #00000017  cid:   8   name: "BACKUP"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs
    358	read block
	EFE  file type DIR   UniqueID: #0000000000000017   name: "BACKUP"
	cnt:  extent type,      size,  location,part,     body, total alloc
	  1: short_ad   0         40         39 1           40       2048

Directory: /"CERTIFICATE"

.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   3 2021-12-12 14:54        136 "CERTIFICATE"/<parent FID>, refers to: <root>
.d...S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   1 2021-12-12 14:54         40 "BACKUP"

  ==>	(max) depth:  3  4  Expand directory: "BACKUP"

	Read FIDs
    359	read block
	Verify FIDs, 40 bytes
	FID  UniqueID: #00000016  cid:       name: "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "CERTIFICATE"
	Add FIDs to directory hierarchy and read FEs


.d.p.S.A........:..r.x:..r.x:..r.x DIR   2 2021-12-12 14:54         88 "BACKUP"/<parent FID>, refers to: "CERTIFICATE"

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "BACKUP"
-			   0 files   0 directories

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: "CERTIFICATE"
-			   0 files   1 directory  

	Expand complete, max depth  4 for directory: <root>
-			   0 files   2 directories
-		nested:    9 files  12 directories
-	 overall total:    9 files  15 directories

	Maximum directory depth: 4

	End of directory tree expansion
	Excluding deleted FIDs with cleared ICB

====>	Testing File Link Count by cross reference of 44 paths.
	File Link Count errors will be identified here by the
	physical address of the File Entry as well as all
	paths identifying the File Entry.
	The physical address of the File Entry is also shown in
	the informational read block messages above.
	Note that errors found here may have been reported before
	or may be caused by other previously reported errors.

====>	Testing free Volume Space in USD Allocation Descriptors
	No free Volume Space defined in USD

====>	Build Partition Space Bitmaps.
	Also check structures that overlap with partition space.

====>	Compare duplicated Metadata File to its mirror.
    320	read 43 blocks
 233376	read 43 blocks

====>	Partition Allocation summary :

 ===>	Physical Partition p0:  size 233184 blocks, read-only
				blocks     288 thru  233471

  ==>	Compare partition p0 calculated bitmap to recorded Space Set
	  No Space Set found for partition p0

 ===>	Metadata Partition p1:  size 96 blocks, read-only
				mapped on Physical Partition p0

  ==>	Compare partition p1 calculated bitmap to recorded Space Set
	  No Space Set found for partition p1

====>	Final LVID verification
	Close LVID
  ==>	read-only Physical Partition p0 Space summary:
	                  Partition Length    :  233184
	             LVID Partition Size      :  233184
	             LVID Partition Free Space:       0
	          Verifier expected free space:       0

  ==>	read-only Metadata Partition p1 Space summary:
	                  Partition Length    :      96
	             LVID Partition Size      :      96
	             LVID Partition Free Space:       0
	          Verifier expected free space:       0

  ==>	       LVID status summary:
	Last modification Time    : 2021-12-12 15:54:30 +01:00 (east of UTC)
	Last written Developer Id : "*tsMuxeR d3e0586"
	Next UniqueID             : #0000000000000027 => from LVID
	max used FE  UniqueID     : #0000000000000026
	max used FID UniqueID     :         #00000026
	Number of Files           :        9
	Number of Directories     :       15
	Min UDF Read   Revision   : UDF 2.50
	Min UDF Write  Revision   : UDF 2.50
	Max UDF Write  Revision   : UDF 2.50
	    Medium UDF Revision   : UDF 2.50

====>	Testing uniqueness of relevant UniqueIDs.

	Test complete
	Elapsed time : 00:02

====>	Volume identifiers summary:

	    PVD:         Volume Identifier  [32]: " "
	    PVD:     Volume Set Identifier [128]: "71B3915B         "
	    LVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	   IUVD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD: Logical Volume Identifier [128]: " "
	    FSD:       File Set Identifier  [32]: " "

====>	Encountered EntityID (regid) summary:

 count	EntityID

    3	Domain Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*OSTA UDF Compliant"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  Domain flags	     : #00
    2	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF LV Info"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
    2	UDF Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*UDF Metadata Partition"
	  UDF revision	     : 2.50
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
   37	Implementation Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR d3e0586"
	  OS Class	     : #00  Undefined
	  OS Identifier	     : #00  Undefined
    2	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "*tsMuxeR git-7d58796"
    2	Application Entity Identifier
	  Identifier	     : "+NSR03"

  These EntityIDs are also shown above when read for the first time

====>	Final verify status report

  Final UDF Revision range: 2.50 only
  Found a mix of Descriptor Version values 2 and 3 (cnt: 2, 84)
  Disaster Recovery for Tag Serial Numbers not supported

  File System info
  last valid block	: 24438783   Volume Space: 46.6133 Gbytes
  block size		: 2048
  (ECC) blocking factor : 16
  nmb of sessions	: 1
  verify session	: 1
  session starts	: 0       
  medium WR type	: read-only
  medium SE type	: nonsequential
  medium CL type	: finalized

  Summed file body sizes: 477019232 bytes	(454.9210 Mbytes)

    Error count:   2	total occurrences:     4  -> search for   "error:"
  Warning count:   4	total occurrences:     4  -> search for "warning:"

  Additional notes may have been printed:	  -> search for    "note:"

-	The number of errors and warnings is an indication only.
-	There is no guarantee that the number of errors and
-	warnings as shown by the UDF verifier is correct.

Exit code 2, complete with errors.

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