[Cin] Resolution for "help - ?" key in Batch Render Menu

Walter Casanova wcasanova at disroot.org
Fri Feb 5 00:55:24 CET 2021

El martes, 2 de febrero de 2021 23:30:22 -03 Phyllis Smith via Cin escribió:
> Note to Walter:  there really is the possibility of a hang in Cinelerra
> where the user could lose work so xdg-open instead of the environment
> variable had to be used.  This was true of firefox which is the only
> browser I tested.  All of the Shell Commands continue to use CIN_BROWSER
> and I could not get any hang with the same usage there.  Most likely you
> will not need to use the Batch Render help key anyway.

Ok perfect, if you need me to try something, let me know. I use archlinux and 
FabioLolix PKGBUILD in aur.

note; so far I am learning about this video editing topic. and studying some 
programming, c / c ++

- | Walter Casanova | -
- | Gnu / Linux - SysAdmin | -

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