[Cin] Minor GIT checkins for code + manual

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 01:11:44 CET 2021

В сообщении от Saturday 16 January 2021 00:24:21 Phyllis Smith via Cin написал(а):
> So that the improvements made by Andrew and RafaMar for minor
> Russian/English and Spanish tips and translations did not get lost among
> the Batch Render, I checked them into GIT right away.  This includes a
> slight increase in the Tip Window sizes.
> Also, checked in manual changes and updated the HTML and PDF
> CinelerraGG_Manual on the website.


What do you think about gitwatch script? Script itself is GPL-3, but obviously 
do not link to any of our binaries or libs. Can it be distributed with CinGG, along with
three example dot_gitignore files?

One is for .bcast5 dir, and other two - to put in projects directory root and 
each subdirectory (so git will take them into account too)

I attach them to this mail


-------------- next part --------------
# For CinGG/gitwatch usage, put in each subfolder of your media root, so git will look deeper
-------------- next part --------------
# For CinGG .bcast5 settings folder tracking via gitwatch script
# excludes plugin caches

-------------- next part --------------
# .gitignore for gitwatch-based tracking of Media Projects made  by CinGG, 
# tracks one level deep. Put dot_gitgnore_subfolders in each subfolder if
# you want to track deeper

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