[Cin] exportEDL, timecode patches

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 19:35:28 CEST 2021

On Friday, July 9, 2021, Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1- I created 2 projects in mp4 and ProRes. I exported to EDL CMX3600.
> Imports into other programs seem to improve, but always end in error:
> In Kdenlive I no longer have the generic error I had before, but I do
> have python errors; see images.
> In Olive same error as before; see image.
> In OpenShot it can't find the original source and it doesn't open (as
> before), but it gives the idea to recognize the format.

yeah, sadly it fails to parse by otio python scripts.. but may be we should
set up project with specific fps value _before_ loading edl?

$ .local/bin/otiostat ~/my2.edl
The file did not successfully parse, with error: Source and record duration
don't match: RationalTime(142, 24) != RationalTime(141, 24) for clip 004

it looks like it tries 24 fps by default and there is no obvious cli way to
change it?

> 2- I imported in CinGG an mp4 at 120 fps, edited it with cuts, ffmpeg
> filters and transitions; then I rendered in DNxHR_proxy.mxf. All OK. I
> imported the files in other NLEs: all OK. I played them in different
> players: all OK. (but also in the preceding tests I had not had
> problems).
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