[Cin] Got cingg running on termux!

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Mon May 17 18:32:19 CEST 2021

On Monday, May 17, 2021, Phyllis Smith via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>

> Andrew, I will send the updated files to include batchrender.rc to your
> gmail account (too big to send here).
> Now when I run: ./cin -r /tmp/batchrender.rc  it works for me.

sadly segfaults here (after i replaced /tmp/ path with local directory
path.. termux thing)

rm batch.mp4
$ LD_PRELOAD=$PREFIX/lib/libandroid-shmem.so
~/cingg/cinelerra/cinelerra-5.1/bin/cin -r batchrender.rc
Cinelerra Infinity - built: May 15 2021 17:34:36
(c) 2006-2019 Heroine Virtual Ltd. by Adam Williams
2007-2020 mods for Cinelerra-GG by W.P.Morrow aka goodguy
Cinelerra is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License,
and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under
certain conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for Cinelerra.

Render::run: matrixbench.xml
** segv at 0x0 in pid 8751, tid 8751
created on Mon May 17 19:28:52 2021
        by 10116:10116 u0_a116(*)



processor : 0
model name : ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l)
BogoMIPS : 26.00
Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt
lpae evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0xd03
CPU revision : 4

processor : 1
model name : ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l)
BogoMIPS : 26.00
Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt
lpae evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0xd03
CPU revision : 4

processor : 2
model name : ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l)
BogoMIPS : 26.00
Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt
lpae evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0xd03
CPU revision : 4

processor : 3
model name : ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l)

thread 0x0000ea665230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000ea766230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000ea867230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000ea968230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000eaa69230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000eab6a230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000eac6b230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000ead6c230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10DirectUnit
thread 0x0000eae6d230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eaf6e230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb06f230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb170230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb271230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb372230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb473230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb574230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 18TitleTranslateUnit
thread 0x0000eb675230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000eb776230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000eb877230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000eb978230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000eba79230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000ebb7a230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000ebc7b230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000ebd7c230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9TitleUnit
thread 0x0000ebf75230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec076230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec177230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec278230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec379230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec47a230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec57b230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ec67c230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 9GlyphUnit
thread 0x0000ed1fc230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10FileThread
thread 0x0000ed2fd230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 10FileThread
thread 0x0000ed53e230, owner 0x0000f4ba2fc0, 6FFMPEG


signal_entry: lock table size=37
    0xf31b2480 FileThread::output_lock, FileThread::run 1 0xed2fd230
    0xf31b5600 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec278230
    0xf31b5640 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec177230
    0xf31b56c0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xebf75230
    0xf31b5580 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec47a230
    0xf31b5540 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec57b230
    0xf31b5500 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec67c230
    0xf31b55c0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec379230
    0xf31b5680 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xec076230
    0xf31b60a0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb978230
    0xf31b5fa0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xebd7c230
    0xf31b6020 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xebb7a230
    0xf31b5fe0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xebc7b230
    0xf31b60e0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb877230
    0xf31b6120 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb776230
    0xf31b6060 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeba79230
    0xf31b6160 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb675230
    0xf31b6380 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeae6d230
    0xf31b6340 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeaf6e230
    0xf31b61c0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb574230
    0xf31b6300 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb06f230
    0xf31b6240 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb372230
    0xf31b6200 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb473230
    0xf31b6280 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb271230
    0xf31b62c0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeb170230
    0xf31b6620 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xea867230
    0xf31b65a0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeaa69230
    0xf31b6660 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xea766230
    0xf31b6560 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeab6a230
    0xf31b6520 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xeac6b230
    0xf31b65e0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xea968230
    0xf31b66c0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xea665230
    0xf31b64e0 LoadClient::input_lock, LoadClient::run 0xead6c230
    0xf31b2540 FileThread::output_lock, FileThread::run 1 0xed1fc230
    0xf31b2b40 FFMPEG::mux_lock, FFMPEG::run 0xed53e230
lock_items: 35
lock_frees: 2




Segmentation fault


>>>> Anyone can provide me with simplest project based on
>>>> samples.mplayerhq.hu / matrixbench? so at least i'll try to test
>>>> non-gui rendering....
>>> I sent matrixbench.tar consisting of matrix.xml file which use a small
>>> matrixbench.mov input file to your google email account.  Is this what
>>> you need?
>> i think i also need batchrender.rc.... for use with '-r' option {i can't
>> set up batchrender yet due to my display problem}
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