[Cin] I wonder if old bug 967 still with us?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 20:51:01 CEST 2021

To the best of my ability, I think this bug does not exist in Cinelerra-GG
I tested playback and frame by frame spot compared most of the following:

scene5fps-720x576 to scene5fps-640x480
scene8fps-720x576 to scene8fps-375x300
scene10fps-720x576 to scene10fps-375x300
scene12fps-720x576 to scene12fps-640x480
scene30fps-720x576 to scene530ps-640x480

I saw neither "after the last frame the last-but-one frame is added and
played back"
OR "When playing back frame by frame a blank frame is added and played back"

They all played back the correct number of frames in each case in viewing
in the compositor and checking the frame count on the main window bottom

Is there some other combination I should check?  I found it very rewarding
to see the CinGG Message popup when I loaded the XML demo file and it said
"Warning XML from cinelerra version 2.1.5CV.  Session date may be
incompatible."  AND IT WAS JUST FINE !! except the animated tree with
falling leaves was pretty cartoonish!

On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 3:37 PM Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> https://web.archive.org/web/20140213170701/http://bugs.cinelerra.org/ticket/967
> Cinelerra version indicated in bugreport was 2.1.5, but there was no
> resolution ('resolved/fixed' ), so I wonder if this bug still lurking
> somewhere in CinGG and messing up some timelines...
> ====copypasta==
> I create an imagelist and load it on the timeline.
> Cinelerra plays it back correctly till the end where the bug appears:
> after the last frame the last-but-one frame is added and played back.
> When playing back frame by frame a blank frame is added and played back.
> The bug depends on the framerate of the imagelist.
> I attach a folder with images, lists and an XML project where lists with
> 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 and 30 fps are tested:
> 5 -> Correct normal playback but 2 blank frames when played back frame by
> frame.
> 8 -> Bug!
> 10 -> Bug!
> 12 -> Bug!
> 15 -> OK
> 20 -> OK
> 25 -> OK
> 30 -> OK
> NB: 12 fps is the traditional framerate for animation.
> I first noticed this bug in 2008, when editing my first quick pace
> animation.
> Make your image sequence longer by copying 2-3 times the last image in
> your image folder, giving appropriate names (keep the numering of the
> sequence).
> Add them to your image list file in a text editor or recreate the
> imagelist file. Reopen your XML project in Cinelerra. The playback should
> now be OK.
> Change History
>  Changed 2 years ago by raffa
> cc raffaella.traniello@… added
> Just preparing the attachment now I noticed the bug is present only with
> 720x576 images. Changing the images resolution to 640x480 or 375x300 makes
> the imagelists to be played back correctly.
> NOTE: 720x576 is the standard animation resolution when capturing from
> MiniDV cameras via firewire framegrabbers.
> The attachment is too big to be attached here (742.5 KB).
> You can download it at
>  http://g-raffa.eu/TestImageList.tar.gz
> It contains a Cinelerra project with lists in different resolution and
> framerates.
> ===
> i saved tgz archive into archive.org, so it should be downloadable by
> directly clicking on link from archived page...
> --
> Cin mailing list
> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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