[Cin] Question about the power of cinelerra-gg

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 21:10:08 CEST 2021

Zeke, well we will always "brag" about it ! Yes, it has hardware
acceleration using vaapi or vdpau for rendering.  The Manual (
https://www.cinelerra-gg.org under Documentation) goes into detail but a
test case from probably 2 years ago as quoted there shown below:

Results of a particular test case performed on a Intel, 4-core computer,
with Broadwell Graphics using an mp4 input video/audio file with dimensions
of 1440x1080/29.97 fps is shown next (note, filename is tutorial.mp4). This
may very well be a best case scenario! But clearly, at least on this
computer with only 4 cores, the hardware acceleration seems to be quite
advantageous. A comparison of the 2 output files
using ydiff as described in the Appendix (C.1) shows no obvious defects.
      *CPU usage*   *Render Time*    *File Size*     *File*
none   388%        100 secs     36,862,542    h264.mp4
vaapi  150%         19 secs     74,522,736   h264_vaapi.mp4

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 11:53 AM Zeke Williams via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> Is it true that cinelerra-gg is more powerful than kdenlive or openshot?
> The fact this program advertises as having hardware acceleration caught my
> attention. Something other libre video editors have no such feature.
> --
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