[Cin] Bluray - still Truehd problems +

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 00:34:34 CEST 2022

On Saturday, April 23, 2022, Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com> wrote:

> in theory by adding ' -c timeinterval in seconds' as argument {in addition
>> to two other mandatory args} to bdwrite, manually for now...
> "Theoretical" not working.  Testing this does not require the actual
> bluray writer.  All one has to do is run BD Render under the File pulldown
> and take the defaults.  Once done, you will see a directory in /tmp called
> bd_20220423_time.  Inside this directory, there is a file bd.sh.  Edit this
> file and on the bdwrite line, add the 3rd paramater.  I tried adding -c
> 45000, then 45000, then even c and always get " *cant scan media: c**"*
> or instead of c, whatever I typed in.  It must be allowing for additional
> media as the third parameter (and maybe a slew of media sources too).
>> you tried it as first argument? bdwrite c=1000 arg1 arg2 ...
> Now I have.
> # bdwrite c=45000 /tmp/bd_20220413-082102/udfs /tmp/bd_20220413-082102/bd.
> m2ts
> c=45000/BDMV: No such file or directory

oh, I am *mega* sorry - custom option processing caught me unprepared!

now I think I fixed it:

$ rm udfs/ -rf
$ mkdir udfs
$ ./bdwrite -c 1000 udfs/ bd.m2ts
Chapter interval: 1000
$ ./bdwrite udfs/ bd.m2ts
udfs//BDMV: File exists
$ rm udfs/ -rf
$ mkdir udfs
$ ./bdwrite udfs/ bd.m2ts
$ ./bdwrite -c 1000 udfs/ bd.m2ts
Chapter interval: 1000
udfs//BDMV: File exists
$ rm udfs/ -rf
$ mkdir udfs
$ ./bdwrite -c 10 udfs/ bd.m2ts
Chapter interval: 10

see attached diff
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diff --git a/cinelerra-5.1/cinelerra/bdwrite.C b/cinelerra-5.1/cinelerra/bdwrite.C
index 68ba9cfc..407417cc 100644
--- a/cinelerra-5.1/cinelerra/bdwrite.C
+++ b/cinelerra-5.1/cinelerra/bdwrite.C
@@ -3172,7 +3172,7 @@ int
 main(int ac, char **av)
   char *path = av[1];
-  if( mkbdmv(path) ) return 1;
@@ -3182,10 +3182,13 @@ main(int ac, char **av)
   int opt = getopt(ac, av, "c:");
   if (opt == 'c') {
-  chapter_every_n_sec = optarg[0]; start = 3; }
+  chapter_every_n_sec = atoi(optarg); start = 4;
+  path = av[3]; printf("Chapter interval: %i \n", chapter_every_n_sec );}
   start = 2;
+  if( mkbdmv(path) ) return 1;
   for( int ii=start; ii<ac; ++ii ) {
     char *ap = av[ii];
     // any dash seq followed by number sets curr title pgm_pid

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