[Cin] Documentation on the EDL format

Stefan de Konink stefan at konink.de
Thu Apr 28 08:45:33 CEST 2022

On Thursday, April 28, 2022 8:42:16 AM CEST, Andrea paz wrote:
>> If we could serialise the EDL format in something less 'bad'. Is that
>> something that is preferred?
> To me that would be a good thing. Try coming up with something to test.
> Also: being able to implement the AAF format would allow exchange with
> other programs; supporting OpenEDL would be nice too.

The main question is obviously: does the receiving format support 
everything that is currently stored. If yes: that could be a candidate. If 
no, and it still needs exceptions I would receive that as "so-so". If the 
alternative would be to have validating XML format... than that may be the 


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