[Cin] Colors tip from forum

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 02:49:51 CEST 2022

Thank you Andrea for providing this information and putting it all together
from various sources and your knowledge.  I have proofread it, made minor
changes like adding a comma or fixed misspelled word, and checked it into

Note to others, Andrea does a lot of work to get this very nicely formatted
and it is a lot of technical information and a great asset to the manual.

Note to Andrea, since I do not really comprehend much of this, I do have a
couple of questions:
  1) What is "NB"? as in the line "ACES and OpenColorIO have an SRC
workflow. *NB*: the monitor must still
be calibrated to avoid unwanted color shifts."  I noticed it is used in 6.1
the Proxy section also.  I do not know what it represents.
  2) Does "3..4" and "0..255" represent "from 3 to 4" and "0 to 255"?
These are in your new CMS section.

On Sun, Aug 7, 2022 at 1:09 PM Andrea paz via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> > Is there possibility to extend section on XYZ colorspace, explaining it
> comes from experiments on how  human eye receptors receive color (they
> obviously do not use technological rgb notation), because it was such
> source of confusion to me? Also, saying primaries are most possible colored
> points (greenest green in G direction, reddest red in R direction, etc) in
> choosen colorspace might be useful , at least I found those remarks
> clarifying illustrations nicely.
> > Example of colormatrix settings also might be useful.
> Revision 2, after Andrew's suggestions. Talking about human vision and
> colormatrix settings are beyond my skill set and also too much for an
> introduction. I have put up a link that may be of interest.
> https://peteroupc.github.io/colorgen.html
> --
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