[Cin] little patch for ffmpeg 5.1 plugins

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 03:09:37 CEST 2022

Thank you both Andrew and Andrea -- I am slowly catching up with your
ffmpeg 5.1 testing.
Andrea, I checked all of the Info for all video and audio (but not Ladspa)
just as a check and to see if any missing.  Here are the results:
  Audio - Overlay has no info -- any suggestions?
  Audio - Compressor Multi has no info -- any suggestions?
  F_PGS_frame_merge -- what is this doing in the plugins.txt file?  It does
not show in Resources window?
  1080 to 480 versus 1080 to 540 -- is the first 540 word in the first line
of the 480 one correct? I see a correct 480 in the last line but do not
know if the 540 in the first line should be 480 instead?
  F_pixelize was not in column #1 so when you do Info on it, it does not
show.  I fixed here.
  F_blackdetect was spelled wrong in my list, so I had to add this to fix
  F_siti lines were too long so I just broke it up into 3 shorter lines so
less than 70 characters per line (all the rest were OK).

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 3:39 PM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> Initial check looks real good.  I do not know how you did that so fast??
>  Eh, eh. They were already ready, in fact I thought I had already sent
> them to you.
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