[Cin] FFmpeg 5.1 latest version included in August release

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 20:38:07 CEST 2022

End of the month August release AppImages are now available for download
which have the updated FFmpeg 5.1 version included.  See the note below
taken from the releasenotes.pdf file.

I do not know if there will be any submitted changes next month so if not,
there will not be a requirement to create new releases.  I am hoping some
developer out there will be motivated to add something new or make a change
based on one of the requests in the Bug Tracker !

*GIT for Cinelerra-GG has the following changes from 08/01/2022-08/31/2022*
FFmpeg has been upgraded to version 5.1 from 4.4 .
  10 new Audio plugins included are:
   F_adecorrelate, F_adynamicequalizer, F_adynamicsmooth, F_afwtdn,
F_alatency, F_apsyclip,
   F_aspectralstats, F_atilt, F_tiltshelf, F_virtualbass
  12 new Video plugins includes are:
   F_blockdetect, F_blurdetect, F_colorchart, F_colorspectrum, F_grayworld,
   F_hsvhold, F_hsvkey, F_latency, F_pixelize, F_scharr, F_siti
 Andrew-R updated all of the ffmpeg-4.4 patches to ffmpeg-5.1.
 Andrea updated the Plugins text info and opts as well as updated the
Plugins section in the manual.

17 new video render formats have been provided by Andrew for some
infrequently used options so that there is almost a complete set. Included
  apng.apng, avif.avif
  avrp.qt, avui.qt, ayuv.qt, cljr.qt, r10k.qt, rpza.qt, v408.qt, y41p.qt,
  ffvhuff.mov, flashsv1.flv, flashsv2.flv
  pfm.pfm, phm.phm, qoi.qoi – single frame
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