[Cin] Images sequence

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 19:34:48 CET 2022


> I tried with various tiff settings and other profiles (png and DPX)
> with the same result. If instead of ffmpeg I use the internal engine I
> get the expected result: the file list is complete with links to the
> various image-frames and the loading in CinGG is successful. Tried
> with tiff, png and openexr.
> Does it work for you to render image sequences with ffmpeg?
My tests agree with yours, i.e. you must use CinGG's internal engine and I
checked the manual to ensure it was clear that you have to not use ffmpeg.
However, I am going to work on testing ffmpeg today to see if I can get it
to work somehow -- first I have to be able to get it to work from the
ffmpeg command line.
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