[Cin] qemu user mode

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 18:03:21 CET 2022

should be faster than full VM for compiling, but might not work for testing
/proc/self pointing at wrong image? also ALSA still not work if called
under qemu-user, last I checked)


Installing packages
The binfmt-support package contains a helper script to easily
register/unregister binary formats with the kernel using the binfmt_misc

Install qemu, binfmt-support, and qemu-user-static:

# apt install qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static
Check whether the binfmt entries were successfully registered:

# update-binfmts --display
This command should print entries for each supported target user emulator,
except for the host system.


see appendix if you already have chroot folder with arm system

or try to use Raspbian's one from


a bit involved when it comes to image resizing...


Note: If the host system is Debian Buster and the chroot will be Debian
Bullseye, it is good to make sure the host has the version 5.2 of
qemu-user-static, available from buster-backports. Otherwise some binaries
may cause qemu-user-static to Seg Fault, see 987497. For example setting
locale(s) in chroot fails without the upgrade of qemu-user-static.

sudo losetup -f -P --show 2020-08-20-raspios-buster-arm64.img

Mounting the image
Mount the image with root permissions:

sudo mount /dev/loop0p2 -o rw /mnt
Optional: If you want to mount the RaspiOS /boot

sudo mount /dev/loop0p1 -o rw /mnt/boot
Also mount necessary host directories.

cd /mnt
sudo mount --bind /dev dev/
sudo mount --bind /sys sys/
sudo mount --bind /proc proc/
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts dev/pts
(not necessary/advised if you use systemd-nspawn)

To get everything work (e.g., network) you need to comment out everything
in /mnt/etc/ld.so.preload before you chroot in. Take care of that now!

(not sure if copying qemu binary into chroot still needed on latest
cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static /mnt/usr/bin

or qemu-arm-static for armhf

Now chroot in!

cd /mnt
(not needed if we already in mnt?)
sudo chroot . bin/bash

now you can try to get git sources and install usual deps for Cin-gg
compilation from inside arm/aarch64 chroot and see how far it comes!

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