[Cin] cingg freebsd 12.3 (amd64)

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 00:14:50 CEST 2022


> On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Andrew, I downloaded both cin-freebsd-12.3.tar.xz and
>> cingg-freebsd-13.tar.xz .
>> Is it OK to put on Cinelerra's website and mention it in the manual?
> as user-contributed.. (I mean I only have guest-ish VM setup for testing,
> and not really prolonged bsd user - builds works for very simple things I
> tried for 5 minutes, but any further testing better to be done by more
> experienced users and on real hardware..)
>> Hoping I can eventually install bsd 13 and test this though (but may be a
long time from now as I want to get aarch64 and termux tested first).
Anyway, I took your BSD patches 0001 through 0017 + 0018 that I made from
the link in "one more bsd patch email" + plugins_makefile_freebsd.diff and
put them all in 1 big file, bsd13.patch (like current blds/bsd.patch) but
get a lot of rejections.  That is OK, I will work it out but just wanted to
let you know what I was doing.  ...Phyllis
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