[Cin] cingg freebsd 12.3 (amd64)

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 22:15:05 CEST 2022

Outdated reply (forgot to hit Send yesterday).  Bottom line is that _10 is
in the new releases and checked into GIT.

> this monthly build I only hope to have in fix for libdav1d 1.0.0 - gentoo
> and termux moved on because their ffmpeg was already patched/ready
Uh oh, I downloaded your libdav1d patch #10 dated March 27, but never got
it tested and tomorrow I have to create the appimages.  Am building with
that in now.   BTW patch_10 is a weird name when we have patchA.

my idea was to augment code and makefiles  so bsd patch eventually will be
> unneeded. my patches for 'git am'. surely for next month+!
OK, sounds good.
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