[Cin] megapile 12 (freebsd, ffmpeg 5, dynamic build, opencv trim)

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Mon May 2 18:51:27 CEST 2022

On Monday, May 2, 2022, Andrea paz via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>

> @andrew
> I didn't quite understand your truehd audio example. I took 2 pcm s16
> files I loaded them in CinGG and burned them as truehd: I have no
> errors and the rendering I loaded it again in CinGG with no errors. I
> don't think this is what you wanted.

can you notice sha256sum of pcm files, then after roundtrip via truehd,
try to save thd file as opened by cingg as s16 pcm, with another name. make
sha256sum of this file... they both should be the same (unless
libavcode/libavformat insert some metadata there? look with

> Following Phyllis' instructions (BD render) I render up to 100% and
> then I have these errors (from root):
> Render::render_single: Session finished.
> ** rendered 917 frames in 14.584 secs, 62.877 fps
> ++ dirname /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/bd.sh
> + sdir=/tmp/bd_20220502-182538
> ++ cd /tmp/bd_20220502-182538
> ++ pwd
> + dir=/tmp/bd_20220502-182538
> + PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/
> jvm/default/bin:/opt/rocm-5.1.1/bin:/opt/rocm-5.1.1/hip/bin:
> /usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_
> perl:/home/paz/cinelerra5/cinelerra-5.1/bin
> + mkdir -p /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/udfs
> ++ du -cb /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/bd.m2ts
> ++ tail -1
> ++ sed -e 's/[  ].*//'
> + sz=45932544
> + blks=26524
> + rm -f /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/bd.udfs
> + '[' -f /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/bd.meta ']'
> + mkudffs -b 2048 /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/bd.udfs 26524
> /tmp/bd_20220502-182538/bd.sh: line 14: mkudffs: command not found
> OpenCV:
> I compiled with opencv from the CinGG website. The build did not stop,
> but the result is that CinGG does not have the opencv plugins. See
> attachment.
> I can't give any errors when I try to start CinGG with ffmpeg5 and the
> opencv binaries. The terminal reports nothing at all.
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