[Cin] Fwd: two more h264_vaapi profile for cingg

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Wed May 25 09:11:12 CEST 2022

I tried the new presets. "H264_vaapi.qt" works smoothly, but I didn't
see any speed increase over h264.mp4

Render::render_single: Session finished.
** rendered 677 frames in 36.564 secs, 18.515 fps

Instead "h264_vaapi.mkv" gives me error and no rendering.

Error message popup:
"error rendering data"

On terminal:
FFMPEG::encode_activate: write header failed /home/paz/vaapi_test.mkv
  err: Invalid data found when processing input
Render::render_single: Session finished.

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