[Cin] Broadcast2000 strikes again!

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Mon May 30 11:45:52 CEST 2022

On Sunday, May 29, 2022, Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com> wrote:

> That is so very good.  Hopefully, this means that CinGG too will still
> compile and contnue to run 20 years from now.

yeah, withd some dedicated persons... or may be by that time some coding AI
will dobthis conversion!

Anyway, in absence of such AI i pushed few more fixes, so now it should
build on x86_64 out of the box with

./configure --no-mmx

note, you might need glib1-dev installed, it installed on Slackware-15 live
dvd, not sure about other distros.

Before x11 capture you might want to create your capture file at 0 size by
saying 'touch myfile' and let broadcast2000 overwrite it (for some reason
automatic capture file creation does not work / broken?)

> On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 1:21 AM Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin <
> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:
>> Or at least it do on my machine (i586 Slackware)
>> https://github.com/Randrianasulu/broadcast2000
>> of course format support very limited, like mjpeg/dv/yuv/rgb for
>> quicktime video, no mp3 or vorbis or mpeg4...
>> But it seems to work and even recording from screen!
>> Speed is nothing to write home about - may be 6-8 fps for 1920x1080p
>> mjpeg and fade + brightness plugins set on video track.
>> Audio also may not work (I tried to use aoss, you can change it to padsp
>> or something if you run pulseaudio)
>> Main hazard was missing returns in many, many functions - without them I
>> only was able to run bcast2000 without any optimizations when compiled with
>> gcc 11.2. Now I added A LOT of those 'return 0' (hopefully in right
>> places!) and optimized build seems to work!
>> Still might crash with ffmpeg's default yuv444/yuv422 mjpegs - but it
>> works if you set - pix_fmt to yuv420. mpeg files require manual TOC
>> creations - watch out terminal output.
>> I think after visiting every single  in 51 plugins I appreciate much more
>> amount of work put into this ancient program!
>> --
>> Cin mailing list
>> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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