[Cin] fileexr/fileppm direct copy support

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 23:14:54 CEST 2022

ср, 26 окт. 2022 г., 23:24 Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>:

> > you rendered from EXR sequence to EXR sequence, right?
> Rendering the project from an exr sequence always leads to the same
> results with both appimage and build. Rendering is done with 19 fps
> (whereas from mp4 the render is done with 9 fps).

so i first tried to render exr/zip sequence from mjpeg file, it took around
16 sec.

And then I just set different filename, load only my exr sequence and
rendered it. Rendering was ..instant.

Note, default exr compression 'none' can be brutal on storage

Render::render_single: Session finished.                          **
rendered 9 frames in 8.092 secs, 1.112 fps
 Obt-Message: Failed to open an Input Method   Render::render_single:
Session finished.
  ** rendered 9 frames in 0.098 secs, 91.837 fps
Render::render_single: Session finished.                                **
rendered 26 frames in 20.437 secs, 1.272 fps    Render::render_single:
Session finished.                                ** rendered 26 frames in
3.220 secs, 8.075 fps

this was WITH patch

BC_WindowBase::init_im: Could not open input method.
   tRender::render_single: Session finished.                         **
rendered 26 frames in 26.921 secs, 0.966 fps

and THIS was without patch (exr/zip to exr/zip)

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