[Cin] flac 1.4.0

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 03:38:09 CEST 2022

> P.S. Andrew, when you provided the Flac gui patches, you snuck in
>>> "0003-Fix-armv7l-build.patch" so I checked that into GIT also but I have no
>>> way to test it.  Do you?
>> I hope user 'goat' will test this one.
> https://www.linux.org.ru/forum/linux-hardware/16959253?cid=16981164
> as reported
> new git compiles ok on Orange Pi Lite (512 mb ram)
> sadly 512 mb ram in arm SoC  hardly enough for launching, previewing 720p
> avi may hang thing even with 2 gb swap.
Good to know -- I was wondering where "goat" reported so the link was
helpful.  I translated it to english, of course.

In Bug tracker #122, at that time some work had tentatively been done to
check out CinGG on Wayland and here is some quotes from that.  But I have
not revisited to check correctness.

"Although Cin comes up on FEDORA with Wayland, there it does not have sound
and no time has been spent in determining a fix.  Apparently, it does comes
up in Mint per MatN too and he can report if it is functional or just comes
AND Terjer reported:
"Sound works on Leap 15 with Gnome/Wayland, at least for the following two
test samples.
1. Loaded a DV25.dv video file on Cin and played the video in the
Compositor with sound.
2. Loaded a UHD_H265.mp4 video file on Cinx and played the video in the
Compositor with sound"

>> I also hope to see libtiff configure patch checked in, because it fixes
>> build failure.
>>> OK, now that both Andrea and Andrew think we should upgrade to flac
>>>> 1.4.0, I will check it into GIT in the next couple of days.
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