[Cin] Again on plugins in floating point (HDR)

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 14:39:29 CET 2023

Thanks, with your instructions I was able to make the patch which I
attach (along with yours) for those who want to test.

I tried to build the appimage with the patches following the
instructions in the manual, but I get to the following error:

./bld_appimage.sh: row 85: tools/makeappimage: No such file or directory

I downloaded appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage from git and put it in
.../cinelerra-5.1/tools giving it executables permissions. Inside the
/tools folder that also a makeappappimagetool subfolder; I tried
copying appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage here as well with the same

I tried running the script tools/makeappimagetool/./bld.sh but I get
an error. I attach the log.

I can't figure out where I'm wrong.
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