[Cin] Updated x265 snapshot from another thread

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 10:45:53 CET 2023

чт, 28 дек. 2023 г., 04:27 Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>:

> Checked into GIT x265 updated snapshot of 17122023, along with modified
> 0013-Multibit...patch as Andrew provided WITH NEW NAME of x265_3.517122023
> because until x265_3.5 is deleted in thirdparty/src, the configure file
> requires a bigger number so that tar file is used.
> Modified patch3 as recommended below for the Multibit patchset.
> As Andrea has recommended, I am OK with making multibit automatically the
> default rather than separate IF CAN FIX THE "syntax error" that I found out
> is not only in ubuntu 16 but is in what I use as the Fedora baseline
> build.  Partial log below:
> cmake version 3.17.4 -- The C compiler identification is GNU 10.3.1 -- The
> CXX compiler identification is GNU 10.3.1 -- Check for working C compiler:
> /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - works --
> ...
> /bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> /bin/sh: -c: line 0: `cmake version 3.17.4 -- The C compiler
> identification is GNU 10.3.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 10.3
> ...
>> make[3]: [Makefile:4: all] Error 1 (ignored)
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> '/mnt0/build5/cinelerra-5.1/thirdparty/x265_3.517122023'
> Will send full log file to see if Andrew knows what it is.

I guess I should study bash a bit more :) because I think this is error I
created unintentionally and ignored so far.

Thanks, and I hope you are not jumping over yourself for doing this for us
especially now.

According to weather prognosis we will have like "-20 C"  right at 1st
January, so I think  buying a bit more storable food will be good idea,
even if usually 10-15 min walk to food store (separate from dog walks) is
not a problem.

Be careful!

>>> Compiling with multibit on Ubuntu 16, results in an Error in the log
>>> file, although it seems to work anyway.  Errors are:
>>> ./libx265_main12.a(api.cpp.o): In function
>>> `x265_12bit::x265_api_get_208(int)':
>>> api.cpp:(.text+0x2004): undefined reference to `dlopen'
>>> api.cpp:(.text+0x201c): undefined reference to `dlsym'
>>> api.cpp:(.text+0x20ad): undefined reference to `dlopen'
>>> ./libx265_main12.a(api.cpp.o): In function
>>> `x265_12bit::x265_api_query(int, int, int*)':
>>> api.cpp:(.text+0x2167): undefined reference to `dlopen'
>>> api.cpp:(.text+0x217f): undefined reference to `dlsym'
>>> api.cpp:(.text+0x224d): undefined reference to `dlopen'
>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> make[5]: *** [x265] Error 1
>>> make[4]: *** [CMakeFiles/cli.dir/all] Error 2
>>> make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
>> sounds like at least one shared lib was missing from final linking
>> stage,like "-ldl". For me on termux another android-specific files was
>> missed, so I added this file to ffmpeg-specific env. variable before
>> configure in termux.bld and disabled cli x265 encoder (because ffmpeg need
>> just *.a library).
>> I guess you can change x265 multibit patch3 , last cmake line
>> +cd ../8bit
>> +ln -sf ../10bit/libx265.a libx265_main10.a
>> +ln -sf ../12bit/libx265.a libx265_main12.a
>> +cmake ../source -DEXTRA_LIB="x265_main10.a;x265_main12.a"
>> by adding also DENABLE_CLI=OFF like in previous entry.
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