[Cin] ms2130 hdmi-usb dongles

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 21:05:47 CET 2023


"I learned about the video capture dongle via Mateusz Starzak
<https://twitter.com/MateuszStarzak/status/1589595781971181568> who
purchased a sample on Aliexpress <https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dd6uEUB>
and confirmed support for uncompressed YUV @ 1080p60. He also mentioned the
latency to be around 6 to 11 frames depending on the resolution with 720p
input to 720p output only looking slightly faster than 1080p input to 1080p

well, I hope Terje's camera can be switched into hdmi progressive output
mode .....

contain few links. Of course main problem is verification ..... if they
just paint them (usb connectors) blue for no reason ...:/
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