[Cin] patches 09 feb 2022

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 19:43:36 CET 2023

Whoa - it would be good to get these in -- it is a really good goal to have
only 1 tree for everything.  Tomorrow I will take a break from GPL editing
and check these out (editing is not the hard part; the hard part is
comparing cv, hv, and gg to decide whether or not changes from cv were
actually added to gg and need the contribution of cv added).

Tomorrow I should have commentary but just skimming,
0003-missing-returns-in-videowindowgui.C.patch,  is the BEST EVER!  The
original author very frequently ommitted "returns" and it is so annoying!

On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 11:29 AM Andrew Randrianasulu <
randrianasulu at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have those in my termux tree
> 09feb2022/0001-Add-x265-patch-for-aarch64-clang.patch
> big one (186 kb), needed for clang compile on arm64/termux
> 09feb2022/0002-Missing-returns-in-videowindow.C.patch
> 09feb2022/0003-missing-returns-in-videowindowgui.C.patch
>  09feb2022/0004-Missing-return-in-videoconfig.C.patch
> not really hot, those files apparently not even compiled for now!
> 09feb2022/0005-noexecstack-by-default-in-cinelerra-Makefile.patch
> obvious from name
> 09feb2022/0006-D-build-fixes.patch
> for some reason netbsd.bld not executable by default, should we make it so?
> 09feb2022/0007-Disable-vulkan-in-embedded-ffmpeg.patch
> hopefully not needed after 0012
> 09feb2022/0008-Add-with-gnu-debuglink-to-cinelerra-Makefile.patch
> incomplete, I missed same thing with bdwrite
> 09feb2022/0009-Default-atrack-vtrack-to-64-in-localsession.patch
> our openEDL on viewer-created clip fix
> 09feb2022/0010-TMP-add-flto-to-cinelerra-Makefile.patch
> localhack, trying to make it crash on "fit all autos" like in Fedora, no
> luck so far!
> 09feb2022/0011-EXPERIMENTAL-try-to-init-two-variables-to-0-in-gloat.patch
> try to prevent said crash
> 09feb2022/0012-Add-patch-from-ffmpeg-5.1-branch-hopefully-fix-build.patch
> picked up from ffmpeg.git 5.1 branch, compile-tested
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