[Cin] executable stacks are bad...m-kay?

Rob Prowel rprowel at comcast.net
Fri Jan 27 14:39:22 CET 2023

On 1/26/23 20:42, Phyllis Smith via Cin wrote:
> Rob, Andrew:
> Although I was able to build with Andrew's patch and loaded/played a video
> with audio file, I am quite concerned that there will be fallout from this
> patch.  I will need to do a lot more tests of many various aspects to  make
> sure there is no impact and that will take me some time.  But very willing
> to start tomorrow as I have always want to Quality Control test suite and
> this would be a good opportunity to create one.  As usual I might not
> succeed in doing so due to interruptions.
> The good news is that this may just have been written that way in the
> cinelerra/Makefile without any real thought put into options once it was
> working!  Stay tuned.

I'm not really in a spot to test a patch anyhow right now, since the 
cin-gg build process is a bit problematic for me.  I have several 
problems that stem from what is possibly a single issue: the inclusion 
of many third-party libraries instead of leveraging the existing 
packages on most folks distos, thru pkg-config.  Intelligent "build only 
what has changed" seems broken for me.  So I end up having to reset to 
dist-clean and rebuild everything when I attempt to make even a minor 
change.  Often the "make clean" doesn't remove all artifacts and I end 
up having to copy from a fresh git pull and then reconfigure and 
subsequently rebuild all third-party stuff too.

I tried using the configure option to use local native libs but that 
goes way down the rabbit hole.

When I get time maybe I'll play with it again but for now the executable 
stack issue is more an FYI than an action item.  Besides it is very 
sporatic.  Does not always pop up when I run cin-gg.

But Andrews explanation of why it happens makes sense.  FWIW, I believe 
there are generic tools available to package project resources in a way 
that don't cause the displayed behaviour but that's more a feature 
change.  I use such under Qt framework frequently.


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