[Cin] Tool for timelinging and multitrack exports

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 09:03:35 CET 2023

вс, 29 янв. 2023 г., 09:55 Stefan de Konink <stefan at konink.de>:

> On Sunday, January 29, 2023 2:21:13 AM CET, Andrew Randrianasulu wrote:
> > While I think I can't even start on implementing those ideas I have
> > question: did you tried to use 'split timeline' feature, so each cam put
> on
> > same teack but at wildly different time and you have 2-4 zones for
> working
> > on each one? (mostly by cutting things to another track?) Or I completely
> > misuderstand how split timeline works in cin ...
> I cannot find the term 'split timeline'.

sorry, it was 'split pane'


But started looking; do you mean
> creating a clip from the main timeline. Open it with "Open EDL" in
> resources, and start editing that?
> <https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/CinelerraGG_Manual/OpenEDL.html#6784>
> I was not aware of this feature, but it would certainly make it easier to
> edit clips. Maybe this is more related to my second email "Workflow issues
> for multitrack editing". What I would still dislike is that my "0" EDL
> would be the initial place to align the material, and not the 'final'
> timeline. There is still no separation of concerns.
> > but how you will tell users there is like 1, min of content, and there is
> > 5m? By some markets? Should those 'edits' expand individually when
> needed?
> I would envision an entire project to be available, like it would be now
> when all content is aligned. The timeline would be something where the
> X-axis is creation time and duration. Resources are just placed on this
> timeline. This functionality would be a different presentation of the
> "resources file list".
> Before we get into the academic discussion of Cinelerra has frames and not
> seconds. You may express this in relative frames towards each other as
> well.
> >>  1. "automatically" construct such timeline each track(group) being
> >>     from a single device, which typically atomically can only produce
> >>     a single stream of content by means of metadata
> >
> > how you think should work,  is there something like cameraID or you need
> to
> > associate some user-know metadata key to specific camera, so you can say
> > send all medias with this metadata to specific track or media bin?
> When I compare the photogrammetry software Meshroom it has two variants.
> It
> can bundle assets based on camera serial number or a folder on disk. My
> current cinelerra projects are also organised by the same principles. I
> have nikon-50mm, nikon-35mm, nokia and tascam folders.
> Within resources we are just lacking this group information (the asset
> producing device) and the ability to pair between them (between devices).
> >>  2. having some tooling that can do macro alignment, independent
> >>     of metadata (for example by audio fingerprinting)
> >>
> >
> > interesting idea, does any libre NLE currently have such functionality?
> In our previous discussion;
>  - cinelerra can do aligning
>  - kdenlive
>  - for kdenlive someone also made an external tool
>    <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mypKKK-Se7A>
> >>  3. having some tooling that can do micro alignment
> >
> > Like 'move this segment few frames left/right' as context  menu option?
> Exactly, having multiple viewers available so you could ultimately also
> use
> it to view a clapperboard.
> >>  4. export this in either some EDL format or multitrack format
> >>     being NLE independent
> >
> > ---
> >
> >
> > I'll try to look into it a bit more, but no promices (cmx3600 only had
> few
> > audio tracks, but may be there were unofficial extensions ...)
> MOV files certainly support it. It can obviously be used as an exchange
> format, but from performance perspective, playing a file that is 300MB/s
> is
> sub optimal. So even then you would like to split it in chunks that can be
> easily used. A (format)proxy may obviously solve this issue.
> --
> Stefan
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