[Cin] Tool for timelinging and multitrack exports

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 12:53:53 CET 2023

вс, 29 янв. 2023 г., 14:31 Andrew Randrianasulu <randrianasulu at gmail.com>:

> вс, 29 янв. 2023 г., 13:35 Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>:
>> >  2. having some tooling that can do macro alignment, independent of
>> metadata (for example by audio fingerprinting)
>> > for kdenlive someone also made an external tool <
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mypKKK-Se7A>
>> Alignment using timecodes for Professional productions was addressed
>> in MantisBT 448
>> (https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/view.php?id=448). The "Align
>> timecodes" tool came into being there. But the pro who created the
>> issue concluded:
>> "I have tested the 'align timecodes' function in the new version and
>> am very happy to say that is working wonderful! Along with the 'To
>> clip' function I can now make synced up subclips. I believe that to my
>> knowledge Cinelerra GG is now the first FLOSS video editing program to
>> support timecode syncing with subclip functionality: that's a big
>> premiere! Thanks to everyone involved and especially PhyllisSmith.
>> Few notes for further improvements:
>> - A batch function would be great, especially to already sync up the
>> clips from the 'Resources' window.
>> - When I use the 'align timecodes' function the timecode of the whole
>> sequence changes to the timecode of the clip I'm syncing. I have not
>> seen this in other editing programs and don't think this is a useful
>> feature, I think it would be better if the timecode of the sequence
>> stays untouched and the clips stays in place."
>> It would be nice to be able to do alignment of various audio/video
>> tracks with an external audio track in batch, all at once, in the
>> Resources window, before getting to the timeline.
>> Question: is it possible to modify and use the script linked by Stefan in
>> CinGG?
> I think it uses kdenlive specific editing functions? And I do not know
> enough about xml generated by cingg for making it work for us or guide its
> author to do it..
> but there are some python projects on github
> https://github.com/align-videos-by-sound/align-videos-by-sound
> https://github.com/benfmiller/audalign
> in java
> https://github.com/JorenSix/SyncSink


also this. Uses same process as kdenlive related program , but compiles
into standalone program and including scripts use it + ffmpeg (downsample
audio for faster processing) for calculating delay, but between two files
only ....

> none of them (?) works as is for providing timecode offset for embedding
> in media files so align via timecode will work, for example.
> I'll keep searching! (there is related problem of aligning text with its
> audio, but this is another area of research, it just showed up initially
> via github search,)
>> > 4. export this in either some EDL format or multitrack format being NLE
>> independent.
>> As for interchange between various programs, I don't think CMX3600 is
>> viable; it is too limited and not well supported by modern programs.
>> Nowadays AAF (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Authoring_Format)
>> is used as an interchange format; I believe it is based on Avid MXF.
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