[Cin] Rendering, encoding and decoding with Nvidia

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 00:05:09 CET 2023

ср, 15 нояб. 2023 г., 01:56 Terje J. Hanssen <terjejhanssen at gmail.com>:

> Den 14.11.2023 23:18, skrev Andrew Randrianasulu:
> ср, 15 нояб. 2023 г., 01:10 Terje J. Hanssen via Cin <
> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>:
>> Den 14.11.2023 17:51, skrev Phyllis Smith via Cin:
>> AppImage has some great advantages but also some disadvantages, one of
>> which is stated below from the manual:
>>> .......
>> There is an AppImage workaround that another user provided to solve this
>> library problem, but it is not for the casual user -
>> https://cinelaerra-gg.org/download/CinelerraGG_Manual/Managing_AppImage.html
>> <https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/CinelerraGG_Manual/Managing_AppImage.html>
>> Not to confuse the topic itself, but to complement the last section of
>> the manual url listed:
>> IMO the bdwrite program was easier to use from a package build
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/cin@lists.cinelerra-gg.org/msg05138.html
>> And possibly also a bundled ffmpeg with Cinelerra can be used from a
>> package build (please correct me if I'm wrong here!):
>> As an example, ffmpeg-6 with Cinelerra (soon) may optional be used, while
>> the official distro still deliver ffmpeg-5
> I do not think we package ffmpeg binary itself, but if users build from
> source they get it as bonus.
> Nor in Andrey's prebuild packages at
> https://github.com/einhander/cin-gg-packages/releases ?
> It is quite a long time ago, so it is possible I remember wrong ...

Well, there was ffmpeg-kino in Kino DV editor, but cinelerra(s)  were not
packaging ffmpeg (because they used it via library interface and not cli
binary) since at least 2016 when I first looked at Slackware packaging.

Other binaries from mjpegtools project are packaged, but not ffmpeg.

>> Terje J. Hanssen
>> --
>> Cin mailing list
>> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
>> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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